Professor Salary [GOVT 2024] – UGC Grade Pay, Pay Scale, Level and 7th Pay

A Professor is faculity in private or govt state and central UGC universities. They are either directly recruited by universities or promoted from Associate Professor of pay Level 13A. The starting govt Professor salary has a basic pay scale of ₹144200 to ₹218200 per month. The Professor pay scale has Academic Grade Pay (AGP) of ₹10000 and comes under pay Level 14. The pay scale for Professor Salary comes under Pay Band 4, i.e., PB-4 (₹37,400-₹67,000) with an entry pay of ₹53000.
As per the latest DA, HRA, TA, Security and other allowances, the starting in-hand Professor salary per month is ₹198238. If we consider the current allowances and deductions, as per the 7th Pay Matrix, the maximum monthly govt Professor salary can be ₹322050 after full 15 years of service. The Professor salary in UGC universities/colleges like IIT, NIT, IIITs, Medical, Engineering, AICTE, AIIMS, Delhi DU, BHU, AMU, Allahabad or Lucknow University are identical in nature.
The salary of Professor is the same in states like UP, Punjab, Bihar, CG, Odisha, Delhi, MP, Rajasthan, Haryana, and Uttarakhand. However, it’s bit different in Assam, West Bengal, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Maharashtra, and Karnataka. For more details of Professor payment, salary slip, promotions, pay charts, and benifits, please refer to the information provided below.
- Professor Salary with Grade Pay, Pay Scale and 7th Pay
- Govt Professor Salary Slip 7th Pay Commission
- Professor Salary UGC Pay Scale (State Wise)
- Professor Promotion Chart with Grade Pay and Pay Scale
- Professor Salary Allowances,Perks, and Facilities
- Professor Salary and Scale After 7th Pay Commission
Professor Salary with Grade Pay, Pay Scale and 7th Pay
An Professor at Level 14 with a Grade Pay of ₹10000. Their yearly salary is between ₹23.5 Lakh to ₹38.5 Lakh. The Yearly Gross Salary of Professor in UGC universities of India is ₹32.6 Lakh to ₹49.3 Lakh.
Check out the complete details of Professor monthly salary and pay structure detail in this table:
Govt Professor Salary Slip 7th Pay Commission
The monthly gross salary of an Government Professor considering all allowances and basic pay is Rs. 284966. However there are deductions such as CPF, NPS, and Taxes which total to around Rs.88150. After accounting for these deductions the net monthly income of a Professor is Rs. 196816. Please refer to the provided image for a detailed breakdown of the govt Professor salary slip.
Professor Salary UGC Pay Scale (State Wise)
Professor of different states, with 7th pay and UGC matrix get almost same salary. Here is the details of basic pay and grade pay of Professor jobs in different states.
Professor Promotion Chart with Grade Pay and Pay Scale
Govt Professors in UGC Universties or Colleges are promoted based on their performance and good acadmic with research records. The pay scale for a Level 14 Professor is ₹144200-₹218200 with an AGP of ₹10000. A Level 14A Professor earns ₹149700-₹223700 with the same AGP. A Senior Professor has salary ₹1,82,200-₹2,24,100 without an AGP. The university Vice Chancellor salary a fixed pay of ₹2,10,000 and a special allowance of ₹5000 per month.
Check the Professor promotions with salary and grade pay detail in this table:
*Note, these promotions and amount can vary as per state norms.
Professor Salary Allowances, Perks, and Facilities
✦ Here are Top Perks of Professor Jobs:
01 HRA / DA ✅
02 Electricity and Water Bill. ✅
03 Project Expenses. ✅
04 Transport Allowances.✅
05 Free Phone Call. ✅
06 Speical Allowance (5000 Per Month).✅
07 Festival Bonos.✅
08 Periodic Promotion.✅
Professor Salary and Scale After 7th Pay Commission
The salary of Professor follows the Revised 7th Pay Matrix central or specific UGC pay Norms. It include the latest revised, grade pay, pay scale, and basic salary of Professor. Here the details of 7th Pay chart for different posts:

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