Assam Assistant Professor Salary 2024: Pay Scale, Grade Pay, Monthly Payment and Promotion

The Assam Assistant Professors are the teachers in the Higher Educational Institutions under the purview of the UGC. As per the revision of the pay scale and pay matrix, the Assam Assistant Professor salary has been increased. The existing scale of payment for the Assistant Professor was 15,600-39,100, now it’s revised in three academic scales and levels. 

The starting salary of assistant professor in Assam with a first revised pay scale of 57700 - ₹182400 per month, with level 10 and grade pay 6000. The second pay scale for an Assistant Professor in Assam is 68900 - ₹205500 with level 11 and grade pay 7000. The highest salary for an Assistant Professor in Assam has a pay scale of 79800 - ₹211500 with level 12 and grade pay 8000.

The in hand Assam Assistant Professor salary per month is ₹78500 per month including all allowances and dedutions. The maximum in hand salary of Assistant Professor can reach upto ₹277500 per months. For complete details of the Assam Profesor salary,  slip, Associate Professor Promotions, perks, and yearly payment, please refer to the information provided below.

An Assam Assistant Professor officer salary is more with the newly revised pay scale. The lowest in hand yearly salary for a Assam Assistant Professor Officer is ₹9.4 Lakh, and the highest salary is 33.3 Lakh in Assam. Where as the gross salary without any deductions ranges from 10.8 Lakh to ₹39.5 Lakh per annum. These salaries include all extras and are based on a Grade Pay of 6000 to 8000 and Level 10 to 12.

Check out the complete details of Assam Assistant Professor monthly salary and pay structure detail in this table:

Assistant Professor SALARY 7TH PAY⬇
Pay Level (वेतन स्तर) 10 to 12
Pay Band (वेतन बैंड) PB-3 (15600 to 39100)
Grade Pay (ग्रेड पे) 6000 to 8000
Pay Scale (वेतनमान) 57700 211500
Basic Salary (मूल वेतन) 57,700/-
Maximum Salary (अधिकतम वेतन) 2,11,500-
Dearness Allowance (DA) (महंगाई भत्ता) 26542/- (46% Of Basic Pay)
House Rent Allowance (HRA) (घर किराया भत्ता) ₹2500 to 4500/ monthly
Transport Allowance (TA) (यातायात भत्ता) ₹800/- to ₹1500/-
Other Allowances (अन्य भत्ते) ₹4500/- to ₹5000/-
Monthly In Hand Salary (प्रारंभिक हाथ में वेतन) 78500/- to 277500/-
Yearly In Hand Salary (वार्षिक हाथ में वेतन) ₹9.4 Lakh to ₹33.3 Lakh
Yearly Gross Salary (वार्षिक सकल वेतन) ₹10.8 Lakh to ₹39.5 Lakh 
Try SP Prison Salary Calculator Below (⬇).

Assam Assistant Professor Salary Slip

The Assam Assistant Professor Salary slip shows a total monthly gross amount of Rs.90500. There are also deductions such as PF, NPS, and Taxes, which total around Rs. 12000. After considering all these factors, the net monthly in-hand salary of a Assam Assistant Professor officer is Rs.78500. Please ensure to check the below sample of Assam Assistant Professor salary slip for accurate information:

Assam Assistant Professor Promotion Chart with Years and Salary

When someone starts working in teaching field, they first become an ‘Assam Assistant Professor’ at Level 10. This job pays well. After 2 to 3 years, they can move up to ‘Assistant Professor Level 11’, then Level 12. With more time and experience, they can get higher jobs like ‘Associate Professor (Level 13)’. The top job they can reach is ‘Professor (Level 14).

Check the Assam Assistant Professor promtions with salary and grade pay detail in this table:

Assam Assistant Professor SALARY: POST WISE⬇
Assistant Professor (Level 10) 57700 - ₹182400 (GP: 6000)
Assistant Professor (Level 11) 68900 - ₹205500 (GP: 7000)
Assistant Professor (Level 12) 79800 - ₹211500 (GP: 8000)
Associate Professor (Level 13) 131400 - ₹217100 (GP: 90000)
Professor (Level 14)  144200-₹218200 (GP: 10000)

*Note, these promotions and amount can vary as per state norms. 



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