UPSEE Sarkari Result 2020 AKTU/ UPTU Result Date, Time, Direct Link

UPSEE Sarkari Result 2020: Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU) will release the UPSEE 2020 Sarkari result in mid-October 2020. UPEE result will be available online on the official website UPSEE 2020 result date has not been announced yet but AKTU has confirmed that the result will be announced in mid-October 2020. UPSEE 2020 result will be released on 15th October(Tentative). Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination (UPSEE) is organized by Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh at the state level. Through this exam, students can get admission in the first year of engineering, architecture, pharmacy, design, management, computer applications, etc. It also offers admission to the lateral entry in B.Tech, B.Pharma, and MCA courses. Various government as well as private institutions of Uttar Pradesh state consider the UPSEE/UPTU scores for providing admissions. To check and download the Sarkari result of UPTU 2020, the student will have to log in using their roll number and date of birth. A merit list will be prepared by the examination cell based on the scores mentioned in the Sarkari result of UPSEE 2020. The counseling of Sarkari Result AKTU 2020 will be based on the scores secured by the students. Read the full article to know more details about UPSEE Result 2020.

UPSEE Sarkari Result 2020

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), Lucknow Uttar Pradesh exam authorities have conducted UPSEE 2020 exam on 20th September 2020. UPTU will declare the Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Exam Sarkari Result (UPSEE Sarkari Result) 2020 in online mode on their official website. in the mid of October (Tentatively). The scorecard consists of the marks secured by the students and the merit list is drawn based on the marks scored. Students qualifying for the exam can participate in the UPSEE counseling process. Check the Sarkari Result UPSEE 2020 from the direct link of below. UPSEE Sarkari Results form the basis for counseling and seat allotment which is as per rank in the UPSEE merit list. The qualifying cut-off is 25%, and 20% for SC / ST candidates. For more details on UPSEE 2020 Sarkari result, read below. The UPSEE Exam 2020 Sarkari Result qualified students will be able to check the UPSEE scorecard and merit position/ rank on the official website of the exam by submitting their roll number and date of birth.

Aktu has released the UPSEE Entrance Exam result today at 12:50 Pm. All direct result links are given below. (AKTU ने UPSEE प्रवेश परीक्षा परिणाम आज 15 अक्तूबर 2020 12:50 बजे जारी किया है। सभी प्रत्यक्ष परिणाम लिंक नीचे दिए गए हैं।)

Result Link 1 Click Here
Result Link 2  Click Here
Counseling Process Click Here

  UPSEE 2020 Topper List: Click Here

  Declaration of Result Paper 1 to 8: 15-October 2020

AKTU Sarkari Result 2020- Overview

AKTU Sarkari Result 2020 will be declared today 15/10/2020. The aspirants must now look forward to the UPSEE 2020 counseling process after the declaration of the AKTU Sarkari Result. UPSEE 2020 will organize its counseling process on the basis of UPSEE Sarkari Results. Candidates who score qualifying marks in the entrance exam will be called for the counseling process. 

Application form starts 27/01/2020
UPSEE 2020 September 20, 2020
Declaration of UPSEE Result 2020 15 October 2020 (12:50 PM)
UPSEE Counselling 19 October 2020 
Official Website

Date and Time For AKTU Sarkari Result 2020

The date and time for the AKTU SarkariResult 2020 will not be announced by the UPSEE exam cell authority. Candidates can check the tentative date for the UPTU Sarkari result 2020 from the below table. UPSEE Sarkari Result 2020 scorecard will comprise of the marks secured by the candidate in each section, merit, and the rank of the candidates. Candidates who have their names on the AKTU 2020 Sarkari Result Merit List will be called for the counseling.

UPSEE Exam 2020 20-Sep-2020
UPSEE Sarkar Result 2020 15/10/2020
UPSEE counseling 2020 Soon...

How to Check AKTU Sarkari Result 2020?

The step for downloading the UPSEE 2020 Sarkari Result is given below. Follow the below step to download the result. If you face any problem during the download of the UPSEE result 2020 please ask in the comment box, our team will help you.

STEP 1: Go to the official website of UPSEE 2020- Click Here

STEP 2: Click the UPSEE Result 2020 Link. 

STEP 3: Enter the UPSEE 2020 roll number and date of birth.

STEP 4: Click on the submit button.

STEP 5: The result will be displayed on the screen after clicking on the result link.

STEP 6: Download/ take a print-out of the result for the further use

How to Calculate UPSEE Sarkari Result 2020 Scores?

आधिकारिक अंकन योजना का पालन करके यूपीएसईई 2020 के परिणाम के माध्यम से प्राप्त और जारी किए गए अंकों की गणना करेंगे।

UPSEE marking Scheme

  • Correct Answer- 150 Questions x 4 marks = 600 marks
  • Wrong Answer- 0 Marks.
  • Unattempted questions- 0 Marks

UPSEE 2020 Seat Reservation Sarkari Result

The seat reservation criteria for various categories are given below. Students who have given the exam to check their results from the official website of AKTU/ UPTU must go through the UPSEE 2020 Sarkari Result important dates section. 

Vertical Reservation

Categories Reservation
Scheduled Caste 21%
Scheduled Tribe 02%
Other Backward Classes 27%

Horizontal Reservation

Categories Reservation
Dependents of Freedom Fighters 02%
Sons, Daughters of defense personnel of UP either retired (superannuated) or killed/disabled in action or defense personnel posted in UP/defense personnel domicile of UP & posted 05%outside UP 05%
Physically Handicapped/Disabled 03%
Female 20%

AKTU Sarkari Result 2020 Cutoff 

UPSEE Sarkari Result cut off 2020 result is the minimum mark that will be considered for admission in UPTU colleges affiliated to AKTU (Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University). Only those candidates who meet the declared cutoff will be included in the UPSEE 2020 merit list. Candidates can check the qualifying cutoff of previous years as the cutoff has not been released till 2020.

UPSEE 2019 Cutoff- 

Category Minimum Qualifying Marks
GEN 150
OBC 150
SC 120
ST 150

After AKTU Sarkari Result 2020: UPSEE Counselling 2020

उम्मीदवार जो प्रवेश परीक्षा को पास करते हैं, वे UPSEE काउंसलिंग 2020 में भाग लेने के लिए पात्र होंगे।

  • काउंसलिंग का पहला चरण पंजीकरण है।
  • उम्मीदवारों को पहले पंजीकरण करना होगा जिसके बाद दस्तावेजों का सत्यापन किया जाएगा।
  • अभ्यर्थियों द्वारा अपनी पसंद के अनुसार ऑनलाइन च्वाइस फिलिंग और लॉकिंग किया जाएगा।
  • सीट आबंटन सुरक्षित रैंक, वरीयता चयनित, और सीट की उपलब्धता के अनुसार किया जाएगा।
  • यूपीएसईई अधिकारियों द्वारा स्पॉट राउंड के साथ-साथ कुल चार राउंड काउंसलिंग आयोजित की जाएगी।

Details Given On UPSEE SarkariResult 2020

The following details will are given on the UPSEE 2020 Sarkari Result:

  • Student Name
  • Roll Number
  • Gender
  • Category
  • Date of Birth
  • Father’s name
  • Mother’s name
  • Course
  • Enrolment number
  • Hall ticket number
  • Marks percentage
  • Rank
  • Name of the paper
  • Total Marks Obtained
  • Sub Category
  • Rural Weightage
  • Remark (if any),
  • Other information (if any)



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