UPSC Specialist Grade III भर्ती 2024 | अंतिम तारीख 15 Feb ऑनलाइन प्रपत्र

UPSC Specialist Grade III Recruitment 2024 | Last Date 15 Feb Online Form

Union Public Service Commission ने Specialist Grade III Specialist Grade III (Nephrology Specialist Grade III (NeuroSurgery) & more posts. के पद के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र आमंत्रित किया है। इस भर्ती के लिए कुल 69 रिक्तियां हैं। आप यहां महत्वपूर्ण विवरण जैसे कि अंतिम तिथि, Specialist Grade III Specialist Grade III (Nephrology Specialist Grade III (NeuroSurgery) & more posts. ऑनलाइन फॉर्म के लिए महत्वपूर्ण तारीख देख सकते हैं। इस भर्ती के फॉर्म की शुरू होने की तारीख 27/Jan/2024 है। इस फॉर्म को भरने की अंतिम तिथि है- 15/Feb/2024 तो 15/Feb/2024 से पहले अपना फॉर्म जरूर भरे। मासिक पेस्केल (वेतन) इस नौकरी के लिए As per department rule ₹ होगा। Specialist Grade III Specialist Grade III (Nephrology Specialist Grade III (NeuroSurgery) & more posts. के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने के लिए सावधानीपूर्वक सभी निर्देश पढ़ें। यदि आप इस नौकरी में रुचि रखते हैं तो आप कृपया अहम् जानकारी जैसे योग्यता, फॉर्म शुल्क, वेतन आदि चेक करना मत भूले। यदि आपके पास इस नौकरी से संबंधित कोई प्रश्न है तो नीचे दिए गए कमेंट बॉक्स में पूछे! हमारी टीम आपकी पूरी मदद करेगी।

नौकरी करने का स्थान - All India

पोस्ट नाम

  • Specialist Grade III
  • Specialist Grade III (Nephrology
  • Specialist Grade III (NeuroSurgery)
  • Specialist Grade III (Tuberculosis & Respiratory medicine/pulmonary medicine
  • Scientist ‘B’ (Civil Engineering)
  • Scientist ‘B’ (Earth Sciences
  • Scientist ‘B’ (Mechanical / Mechatronics Engineering)
  • Assistant Director (Official Language)
  • Specialist Grade III (General Surgery

You can get Detailed Description Step By Step below-

महत्वपूर्ण विवरण | रिक्ति | चयन प्रक्रिया

कुल रिक्ति 69
वेतनमान per department rule
अधिकतम वेतन स्केल मासिक Rs.level-11
आयु सीमा Max - 45 Years
चयन प्रक्रिया Written Exam

महत्वपूर्ण तिथियाँ | अंतिम तिथि

आवेदन शुरू होने की तारीख 27/Jan/2024
आवेदन समाप्ति तिथि 15/Feb/2024

योग्यता मापदंड

Eligibility Details

Specialist Grade III
योग्यता : A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule
Specialist Grade III (Nephrology)
योग्यता : A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule
Specialist Grade III (NeuroSurgery)
योग्यता : A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule or Part II
Specialist Grade III (Tuberculosis & Respiratory medicine/pulmonary medicine
योग्यता : A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule or Part II
Scientist ‘B’ (Civil Engineering)
योग्यता : Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized university or institute.
Scientist ‘B’ (Earth Sciences)
योग्यता : Master’s Degree in Earth Science/ GeoPhysics/Physics/ Geology/ Oceanography from a recognized University or Institute.
Scientist ‘B’ (Mechanical / Mechatronics Engineering)
योग्यता : Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical/ Mechatronics Engineering from a recognized university or institute
Assistant Director (Official Language)
योग्यता : Master’s Degree of a recognized University in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree leve
Specialist Grade III (General Surgery
योग्यता : recognized MBBS qualification included in the First or Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule

रिक्ति का विवरण

 Vacancy Details

Post NameVacancy
Specialist Grade III

[Total - 3]

Specialist Grade III (Nephrology

[Total - 4]

Specialist Grade III (NeuroSurgery)

[Total - 6]

Specialist Grade III (Tuberculosis & Respiratory medicine/pulmonary medicine

[Total - 3]

Scientist ‘B’ (Civil Engineering)

[Total - 20]

Scientist ‘B’ (Earth Sciences

[Total - 6]

Scientist ‘B’ (Mechanical / Mechatronics Engineering)

[Total - 2]

Assistant Director (Official Language)

[Total - 1]

Specialist Grade III (General Surgery

[Total - 24]

Post NameAge Limit
Specialist Grade III 45 Years
Specialist Grade III (Nephrology 45 Years
Specialist Grade III (NeuroSurgery) 45 Years
Specialist Grade III (Tuberculosis & Respiratory medicine/pulmonary medicine 40 Years
Scientist ‘B’ (Civil Engineering) 35 Years
Scientist ‘B’ (Earth Sciences 35 Years
Scientist ‘B’ (Mechanical / Mechatronics Engineering) 35 Years
Assistant Director (Official Language) 35 Years
Specialist Grade III (General Surgery 50 Years

ऑनलाइन आवेदन करें | अधिसूचना डाउनलोड | महत्त्वपूर्ण लिंक

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UPSC Specialist Grade III Recruitment FAQs

⭐What is the maximum pay scale for the UPSC Specialist Grade III Pay Scale ?

The maximum pay scale for Specialist Grade III positions is at Level-11.

⭐What is the eligibility criterion for the UPSC Specialist Grade III Recruitment

The eligibility criterion for the Assistant Director (Official Language) position is a Master’s Degree from a recognized University in Hindi, with English as a compulsory or elective subject, or as the medium of examination at the degree level.

⭐When is the last date to submit the application for these UPSC Specialist Grade III Last Date ?

The application closing date is 15th February 2024.

⭐. How are candidates selected for these UPSC Specialist Grade III Selection Process ?

The selection process for these positions involves a Written Exam.



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