UP BEd Previous Year Paper, Free Online Mock Test B.Ed Entrance Exam in Hindi


UP B.Ed Previous Year Papers (यूपी बीएड पिछले वर्ष के पेपर): These are invaluable resources that provide insights into the exam pattern and types of questions. up bed entrance exam previous year's paper covers a wide range of subjects including General Knowledge, Hindi/English language proficiency, Aptitude, and specialized subjects like Art, Science, Commerce, and Agriculture. We offer b.ed previous year question paper in Hind and English PDF with Online Tests.

UP BEd Mock Test: Our platform offers a variety of free online mock tests for the B.ED entrance exam, including the UP B.Ed mock test, Model Paper, and the B.Ed online test in Hindi. These tests are designed to simulate the real exam environment, thereby improving your speed, accuracy, and problem-solving abilities. They are an effective tool for understanding the UP B.Ed entrance exam previous year's paper.

यूपी बीएड प्रीवियस पेपर का विवरण निम्नलिखित है:

UP BEd Previous Year Paper

✦ UP B.Ed Question Paper

☛  यूपी बी.एड प्रीवियस पेपर 1 (GK) ✨

☛  यूपी बी.एड प्रीवियस पेपर 1 (हिंदी) ✨

☛  यूपी बी.एड प्रीवियस पेपर 2 (फुल) ✨


☛ UP B.Ed Current Affairs(Dec)☛ UP B.Ed Current Affairs (NOV)☛ Current Affairs (Olympics)☛ UP B.Ed Current Affairs (OCT)☛ UP B.Ed Current Affairs (SEPT)☛ UP B.Ed Current Affairs (AUG)☛ UP B.Ed Current Affairs (JULY)☛ Current Affairs (JAN-NOV)

यूपी बीएड शिफ्ट 2: शीर्ष प्रश्न (2022)

01 1/4: 1/8::2/3:? | Ans = 1/3 

02 25X35 = 78, 52X45 = ? | Ans = 79

03 FEELING = 3997285 , LIFE = ? | Ans = 7239

04 2, 9, 16, 23, 30,? | Ans = 215

05 0, 2, 4, 7, 16, 26, 30, ?, 66, 72 | Ans =

06 5, 45, 405,? | Ans = 3645

07 Z, X, U, Q, L ? | Ans = F

08 3, 12, 48, ?, 1440 | Ans = 196

यूपी बीएड शिफ्ट 1: शीर्ष प्रश्न (2022)

01 एक्स के सीईओ कौन हैं - लिंडा याकारिनो

02 शार्क में कुल देश - 08 

03 विश्व स्वास्थ्य दिवस - 07 अप्रैल

04 हिंदी दिवस समारोह - 14 सितंबर

05 सेबी के अध्यक्ष - माधबी पुरी बुच

06 लोथल किस नदी पर स्थित है - भोगवो

07 अकबरनामा पुस्तक किसने लिखी - अबुल-फ़ज़ल इब्न मुबारक

08 पं रवि शंकर का संबंध किससे है - सितार हिन्द 

09 'उर्वशी' के लेखक कौन हैं? - रामधारी सिंह दिनकर

10 इंडियन सुपर लीग फाइनल आईएसएल 2023 किसने जीता - हैदराबाद

UP Bed Entrance Exam Previous Year Paper Pattern

The UP B.Ed question paper from the previous year had the following format:

Written Exam Paper: [ Overview ]

[ Event ]  [ Details ]
Organization   Bundelkhand University (BU) Jhansi
Exam Type  MCQ (Objective)
Exam Mode   Offline
Exam Level   Up to UG
Exam Type  MCQ Type
Paper Medium   Hindi & English 
Total Question  100
Total Time  120 min
Total Marks   200
Correct Answer  02 Marks
Negative Marking   Yes (1/3 Mark)
Subjects Name   Gk, Hindi or English, Aptitude and Art/Science/Commerce/Agriculture 

UP B.Ed Previous Year Question Paper General Knowledge

UP B.Ed General Knowledge Previous Papers: This page offers practice questions from past UP B.Ed entrance exams. These exams, designed for undergraduate students, feature objective, multiple-choice questions from various subjects. Each exam consists of 100 questions to be completed within a set time limit. Practicing with these questions can help candidates prepare for the UP B.Ed entrance exam.

☛ GK (MOCK 1)

☛ GK (MOCK 2)

☛ GK (MOCK 3)

UP BEd Previous Year Question Paper Hindi or English


UP B.Ed Past Exam Papers in Hindi and English: This page provides access to the previous year’s question papers for the UP B.Ed entrance exam. These papers, which cover a wide range of topics, are designed for undergraduate students. All questions are objective and must be answered within a specified time limit. This resource allows you to practice with a variety of questions, including those from the UP B.Ed exam.

UP BEd Free Online Mock Test and Model Paper Benefits

Candidates for the UP B.Ed entrance exam 2024 can utilize resources like previous year's papersmodel papersmock tests, and practice questions. These resources, available in both Hindi and English, provide insights into the exam format and question types. They also help assess proficiency and identify areas for improvement. The previous year's solved papers offer solutions and explanations for better understanding. These resources are crucial for effective preparation and success in the exam.

UP B.Ed Exam Preparation Tips

  • Use Previous Year’s Questions as Reference: By taking the UP B.Ed previous year’s questions as a reference, students can get an idea of the types of questions that may appear on the exam.

  • Practice with Mock Tests and Quizzes: Practicing with mock tests and quizzes can help students track their progress and assess their proficiency.

  • Compare Results with Others: Comparing their results with others preparing for the same exam can also be useful.

  • Note on Mock Test Questions: It’s important to note that these mock test questions are only for studying purposes and may not be asked on the actual UP B.Ed exam.

  • Real-life Question Practice: Real-life question practice can help evaluate the student’s potential for success on the test.

With these resources and tips, aspirants can maximize their preparation and increase their chances of taking the UP B.Ed exam. Good luck!

UP B.Ed Previous Year Paper FAQs

⭐What are UP BEd Previous Year Papers?

These are resources that provide insights into the exam pattern and types of questions.

⭐What subjects do the UP BEd entrance exam previous year papers cover?

They cover a wide range of subjects including General Knowledge, Hindi/English language proficiency, Aptitude, and specialized subjects like Art, Science, Commerce, and Agriculture.

⭐Are the BEd previous year question papers available in Hindi and English?

Yes, we offer B.Ed previous year question papers in both Hindi and English in PDF format with Online Tests.

⭐How does the UP BEd Mock Test help?

These tests are designed to simulate the real exam environment, thereby improving your speed, accuracy, and problem-solving abilities. They are an effective tool for understanding the UP B.Ed entrance exam previous year paper.

⭐What is the format of the UP BEd Previous Year Paper?

The UP B.Ed question paper from the previous year had the following format: MCQ (Objective), Offline mode, and Up to UG level. You need to solve 100 questions in 120 min time, which has total 200 marks.

⭐Are there any free online mock tests for B.Ed entrance 2024?

Yes, our platform offers a variety of free online mock tests for B.Ed entrance exams, including the UP B.Ed mock test, Model Paper, and B.Ed online test in Hindi.

⭐Are the B.Ed mock tests available in Hindi?

Yes, we offer B.Ed mock tests in Hindi.



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