UKSSSC VDO Salary 2025: Monthy Pay, Grade Pay & In-Hand Amount

UKSSSC VDO Salary 2025:The UKSSSC employs Village Development Officers, commonly referred to as VDOs, who receive a monthly salary consisting of various allowances, deductions, and benefits based on the guidelines established by the 7th Pay Commission. Currently, the initial basic salary for a VDO in the UKSSSC is Rs. 25,500, with a maximum achievable salary of Rs. 81,100. In addition to the basic pay, VDOs are eligible for different allowances. The approximate monthly in-hand salary for a UKSSSC VDO amounts to around Rs. 36,414. It is important to note that the maximum in-hand salary increases upon retirement. For more comprehensive information regarding the monthly take-home salary, pay scale, grade pay, salary in hand, salary in Hindi, and promotional hierarchy for the UKSSSC VDO position, please refer to the provided details.

UKSSSC VDO Salary 2025 Per Month and Grade Pay

UKSSSC VDO Salary 2025
Pay Level 04
Pay Band PB-1(5200-20200)
Grade Pay 2400
Pay Scale Rs.25500/- 81100/-
Basic Salary Rs. 25500/-
Maximum Salary  Rs. 81100/-
Dearness Allowance (DA) 53% Of Basic Pay
House Rent Allowance (HRA) 20% Of Basic Pay
Transport Allowance (TA)  As Per Applicable
Other Work Allowance  As Per Applicable
PF Rs. 3621/-
NPS Rs. 3060/-
Tax NA
In Hand Payment Rs. 38200/-
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UKSSSC VDO Salary In Hand Per Month

The salary of a VDO at the UKSSSC is determined by their pay scale, which spans from Rs. 25500 to Rs. 81100 and includes a grade pay of 2400. The Dearness Allowance (DA) is calculated as 53% of the basic payment, and the House Rent Allowance (HRA) is set at 20% of the basic payment. Both the National Pension Scheme (NPS) and Provident Fund (PF) deductions amount to 10% of the basic payment.

Total Salary = Basic Salary + All Allowances (DA, TA, HRA/Food) - All Deduction (Police, NPS, PF)

Starting In Hand Salary =  Rs 38200 (Approx) Monthly 

UKSSSC VDO Allowances and Perks

✦ Top UKSSSC VDO Govt Jobs Perks

01 DA

02 HRA

03 TA

04 Insurance Cover

05  Special Duty Allowance (SDA)

06 NPS

UKSSSC VDO Salary Deductions

To ensure the bright future of our frontline govt workers, the state govt deducts some amount from their salary. These deductions are 10% Basic for NPS, 12% of Basic for PF, and Rs. 100 per month as Insurance Cover.

UKSSSC VDO Salary Deductions
NPS Rs.3621/- (10% Of Basic Pay+DA)
PF Rs.3060/- (12% Of Basic Pay)
Police Applicable (If income will be above 5 lac)
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UKSSSC VDO Salary After 7th pay commission

The recruitment process for UKSSSC VDOs is overseen by the state government. As a result, the salary of UKSSSC VDOs falls within the 7th pay matrix according to the norms set by the Uttarakhand government. Here are the specific details of the 7th pay salary matrix.



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