Taxi Drivers Salary NYC 2024 - New York Pay Level (Hourly to Yearly)

In New York, Taxi Drivers earn an annual salary of $35,720, which equates to $17.28 per hour and a monthly income of approximately $2,976. Compared to the national average, the salaries for taxi drivers in New York City are similar. The starting salary for this role in the city is $27,740 annually. Entry-level positions offer $35,380, while experienced professionals can expect their salary to rise to $40,355.

Please see the information below for details on Taxi Drivers' salaries in NYC (New York City).

Top Paying Sectors (Industries) for Taxi Drivers Salary in NYC

The average salary of Taxi Drivers in New York City consists of 89% base pay, with the potential for an additional 11% in other forms of compensation. The sectors that offer the highest salaries for this role include Other Support Activities for Transportation, which provides an annual salary of $36,840, and Taxi and Limousine Service, which offers an annual salary of $35,920. While this salary adequately covers the cost of living for a single individual, it is insufficient for a family of four after tax deductions.

Year of Experience Salary
1 $41,000
2 $44,200
3 $47,400
4 $50,600
5 $53,800
6 $57,000
7 $60,200
8 $63,400
9 $66,600
10+ $69,800

Top Paying Jobs Taxi Drivers Salary in New York City (NYC)

The Taxi Driver industry in New York City, which is a vital part of the US economy, employs approximately 105K individuals, making it a significant sector for employment. Within this industry, thousands of Taxi Drivers find opportunities across various sectors. Certain companies are particularly known for their competitive salaries. Notably, a handful of companies stand out as top payers in this field:

Company Taxi Drivers's Salary 
Uber (Black Car Service) $66,230
Lyft (Lux Service) $60,970
Via (Black Car Service) $55,654
Juno (Luxury Service) $55,320
Curb $50,740
Arro $50,215
Gett $45,510

Comparing NYC Taxi Driver's Salary to Top US Cities

According to the Sarkari Naukri Exams, New York City offers the highest salaries for taxi drivers in the US. However, several other locations also provide competitive annual salaries. For instance, taxi drivers in South Burlington, VT & Hayward, CA, can earn an annual salary of $44,260 and $38,070. Moreover, places like Paradise, NV, Scottsdale, AZ, and Schenectady-Troy, NY, among others, are renowned for their lucrative opportunities.

Taxi Driver's Salary in Top Paying States US

Taxi Drivers in states like Texas, Vermont, New Hampshire, Washington, New Jersey, California, and New York may earn substantial salaries. However, a higher paycheck does not always guarantee a better lifestyle. The cost of living, including expenses for groceries, housing, and other necessities, can offset these financial gains. As a result, a larger salary does not necessarily lead to an improved quality of life.

Skills to Boost Taxi Drivers's Salary in NYC

Taxi Drivers in New York need skills, including communication, Knowledge of the Area, customer service, and Proficient Driving. Additionally, some Taxi Drivers may hold certifications in CDL, First Aid and CPR, and Defensive Driving. These professionals often study fields such as Information Technology, Finance and Accounting, Business Administration, and Marketing.

Taxi Drivers Salary NYC 2024 FAQs

⭐How much do taxi drivers earn annually in New York City?

Taxi drivers in New York City earn an average annual salary of $35,720.

⭐What is the hourly wage for taxi drivers in NYC?

The hourly wage for taxi drivers in New York City is approximately $17.28.

⭐How much do taxi drivers make per month in NYC?

Taxi drivers in New York City make about $2,976 per month.

⭐What is the starting salary for taxi drivers in NYC?

The starting salary for taxi drivers in New York City is $27,740 annually.

⭐What other locations offer competitive salaries for taxi drivers?

Taxi drivers in South Burlington, VT, can earn $44,260 annually, and in Hayward, CA, $38,070.

⭐Do higher salaries in some states guarantee a better lifestyle for taxi drivers?

Taxi drivers in Texas, Vermont, New Hampshire, Washington, New Jersey, California, and New York may earn significant salaries.

⭐ What skills are important for taxi drivers in NYC?

Taxi drivers in NYC need skills in communication, knowledge of the area, customer service, and proficient driving.



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