Software Engineer Salary in New York (NY), Average Hourly & Yearly Rates

The Software Engineers Salary in New York, NY is $144,718 per year. Hourly basic salary rates of Software Egineers in NY is $67.85. The Software Engineers Salary in NY is 5.81% more than the US national aaverage wage. Apart from base salary, they also get cash bonus of appro $5500 per year. 20% of Software Engineers employee in New York get , below average salary i.e $94,256, where as 30% get above means wage salary of $216,754 yearly.

Check out the complete details of the Software Engineer salary in NY and pay structure below:

Software Engineer Salary in New York - Top Sectors, Base Pay, and Net Pay

New York Software Engineer gets upto 8% of Additional Bonous apart from base salary. During the first three year of experience, salaries does not increase much and cost living with family of 4 in New York after taxes is hard  during the starting 3 years, but you can live comfortability single in NYC. After 3 years of good experience and certifications, software engineers start getting net pay abov the cost live with Family of Fours, with decenet increments till 6 years. After 6+ year of experinces, NY Software Engineer Salary boost like rocket and with this salary can manage all expense and live good life. 

Top Paying sectors of NY Software Engineer are Social Networks, Technology, Media, Ecommer and Retails.


In New York City’s tech sector, software engineer salaries are on the rise, but a gender wage gap persists. Male engineers consistently earn more than their female counterparts across all experience levels. This disparity underscores the need for industry-wide measures to address wage inequality.

Experience Level Male ($) Female ($)
Entry Level $110,000 - $120,000 $95,000 - $115,000
Mid-Level $130,000 - $160,000 $120,000 - $150,000
Senior Level $180,000 - $220,000 $170,000 - $210,000
Principal Level $250,000+ $230,000+

NYC Software Engineer Salary: Bigger Company, Bigger Bucks?

In New York City, software engineer salaries increase with company size. Small companies (1-50 employees) offer $110,000 - $120,000. Medium-sized companies (51-200 employees) offer $125,000 - $135,000. Large companies (201-500 employees) offer $135,000 - $145,000. Enterprise companies (500+ employees) offer $140,000 - $150,000.

Company (Employee) Avg. Salary ($)
Small companies (1-50) 110,000 - 120,000
Medium companies (51-200) 125,000 - 135,000
Large companies (201-500) 135,000 - 145,000
Enterprise companies (500+) 140,000 - 150,000+

Software Engineer Salary in NYC vs. Other Metros

City Salary ($)
NYC, NY 152,000
SF Bay Area 150,000
Seattle, WA 135,000
Austin, TX 125,000
Denver, CO 115,000
Boston, MA 110,000

NYC Software Engineers Salary Showdown by Industry

Industry Average Salary ($)
Media & Entertainment 135,000
Retail 135,000
Advertising & Marketing 140,000
Healthcare 140,000
E-commerce 145,000
Insurance 145,000
Finance 150,000
Technology 160,000

NYC Software Engineer Salary Booming or Busting in Top Companies?

Company Average Salary ($)
Selby Jennings $254,121
Squarespace $183,602
Capital One $166,347
Meta $159,595
Moody's Corporation $140,929
Google $152,780
Amazon $148,328
Goldman Sachs $145,334
JPMorgan Chase $144,477
Netflix $143,067
Meta $131,000 
Bloomberg     $130,000
Uber     $129,000

Software Engineer Salary New York City vs. The US

State Yearly Income
New York (NY) $135,866
California (CA) $129,774
Massachusetts (MA) $127,064
Washington (WA) $126,524
Colorado (CO) $125,544
Maryland (MD) $125,240
Virginia (VA) $124,824
New Jersey (NJ) $124,408
Pennsylvania (PA) $123,992
Texas (TX) $123,576
Illinois (IL) $122,720

New York Software Engineer Salary Hike Skills That Pay Big Bucks!

In NYC, the tech industry thrives, and with it, software engineer salaries. But within this lucrative landscape, specific skills can significantly impact your earning potential. Here's how:

In-Demand Skills:

  • Frontend: React, React Native, Vue.js, Angular

  • Backend: Python, Java, Go, Node.js

  • DevOps: AWS, Azure, GCP, CI/CD pipelines

  • Data Science/ML: TensorFlow, PyTorch, SQL

  • Security: OWASP Top 10, secure coding practices

Premium Skills:

  • Emerging Tech: Blockchain, AR/VR, Quantum Computing

  • Domain Expertise: Finance, Healthcare, AI/ML, Fintech

  • Full-Stack Development: Skills in both front-end and back-end

  • Leadership/Soft Skills: Communication, collaboration, problem-solving

Salary Impact:

  • High-demand skills: Increase salary by 10-20%

  • Emerging/niche skills: Can double or triple salary

  • Full-stack vs. specialized: Full-stack earns 15-20% more

Software Engineer Salary in NYC, New York , Top Q&A!

⭐What is the average salary for software engineers in NYC in 2024?

The average salary for software engineers in NYC is $152,440 yearly or $13,120 monthly.

⭐How much do entry-level software engineers earn in NYC in 2024?

Entry-level software engineers with 0-3 years of experience can expect to earn between $35 to $55 per hour.

⭐Is there a gender wage gap in software engineer salaries in NYC?

Yes, male engineers consistently earn more than their female counterparts across all experience levels.

⭐Do software engineer salaries in NYC increase with company size?

Yes, in NYC, software engineer salaries increase with company size.

⭐What skills significantly impact earning potential for software engineers in NYC?

In-demand skills include Frontend, Backend, DevOps, Data Science/ML, Security, and premium skills include Emerging Tech and Domain Expertise.



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