SGPA to Percentage Converter, Percentage to SGPA Calculator | Formula Chart



Marks (%) GP Letter Grades
- 0 AB (Absent)
0 - 35 0 F (Fail)
36 - 39 4 D (Pass)
40 - 49 5 C (Average)
50 - 59 6 B (Above Avg)
60 - 69 7 B+ (Good)
70 - 79 8 A (Very Good)
80 - 89 9 A+ (Excellent)
90 - 100 10 O (Outstanding)

What is the SGPA to Percentage Converter Calculator?

The SGPA to Percentage Calculator is a tool that converts a student's Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) to a corresponding percentage. SGPA reflects academic performance for a semester, while the percentage is a more widely understood measure.

Functionality: The tool operates in two modes: SGPA to percentage and percentage to SGPA conversions.

★ Formula:

  • For SGPA to percentage: Percentage = (SGPA - 0.75) * 10
  • For Percentage to SGPA: SGPA = (Percentage / 10) + 0.75

★ SGPA to Percentage:

  1. Input: Enter your SGPA (between 1 and 10).
  2. Action: Click the "Calculate Percentage" button.
  3. Output: The tool displays the corresponding percentage score.

★ Percentage to SGPA:

  • Input: Enter your percentage (between 0 and 100).
  • Action: Click the "Calculate SGPA" button.
  • Output: The tool shows the equivalent SGPA.

SGPA to Percentage Converter Formula

The conversion formula from SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) to percentage is as follows:

★ Percentage = (SGPA - 0.75) * 10

Explanation: To convert SGPA to percentage, you simply subtract 0.75 from the SGPA value and then multiply the result by 10. This formula gives you the equivalent percentage based on the SGPA scale. For example, if your SGPA is 8.5, the calculation would be:

  • Percentage = (8.5 - 0.75) * 10
  • Percentage = 7.75 * 10
  • Percentage = 77.5%

So, an SGPA of 8.5 is equivalent to 77.5% in this conversion. Remember that this formula assumes the highest SGPA achievable is 10. If your institution uses a different grading scale, adjustments may be needed in the formula.

Percentage to SGPA Converter Formula

To convert a percentage to SGPA on a 10-point scale:

★ Determine the letter grade for the percentage based on your institution's grading system.

★ Find the grade point equivalent for the letter grade (e.g., A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0).

★ Calculate SGPA using the formula: SGPA = (Sum of (Grade Point * Credit Hours)) / Total Credit Hours

  • "Grade Point" is the value associated with the letter grade.

  • "Credit Hours" are the credits assigned to each course.

  • "Sum of" means adding up the products of Grade Points and Credit Hours for all courses.

  • "Total Credit Hours" is the sum of credits for all courses in the semester.

Remember to verify the grading scale and SGPA calculation method used by your educational institution as they may vary.

SGPA to Percentage Calculation (5.5 to 9.5) - Formula & Chart

The table provides a summary of the percentage values corresponding to SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) ranging from 5.5 to 9.5. The percentage values are calculated using the formula: Percentage = (SGPA - 0.75) * 10.

SGPA Percentage (%)
5.5 47.5
5.6 48.5
5.7 49.5
5.8 50.5
5.9 51.5
6.0 52.5
6.1 53.5
6.2 54.5
6.3 55.5
6.4 56.5
6.5 57.5
6.6 58.5
6.7 59.5
6.8 60.5
6.9 61.5
7.0 62.5
7.1 63.5
7.2 64.5
7.3 65.5
7.4 66.5
7.5 67.5
7.6 68.5
7.7 69.5
7.8 70.5
7.9 71.5
8.0 72.5
8.1 73.5
8.2 74.5
8.3 75.5
8.4 76.5
8.5 77.5
8.6 78.5
8.7 79.5
8.8 80.5
8.9 81.5
9.0 82.5
9.1 83.5
9.2 84.5
9.3 85.5
9.4 86.5
9.5 87.5

SGPA to Percentage Engineering Colleges & Universities

Converting SGPA to percentage varies by the university and the course you are pursuing. Here are the methods for popular Indian institutions:

  • Courses: Various undergraduate (UG) courses, postgraduate (PG) courses etc.
  • Formula: Percentage = (SGPA / 10) * 100

Important Note: The conversion methods might change over time, so it's crucial to refer to the official guidelines provided by your respective university or college for the most up-to-date process. If your institute follows a different method for converting SGPA to percentage, please notify us in the comment section below. Your feedback helps us keep the information accurate and relevant.

SGPA to Percentage Conversion FAQs

⭐What is SGPA, and how is it different from CGPA?

SGPA is the average grade points obtained in a single semester, while CGPA represents the average grade points obtained over multiple semesters.

⭐How do I convert SGPA to percentage?

Use the formula: Percentage = (SGPA - 0.75) * 10.

⭐Can I use the SGPA to percentage conversion formula for any grading scale?

The formula assumes a 10-point grading scale. Adjustments may be needed for different grading scales.

⭐How can I convert a percentage to SGPA?

Determine the letter grade, find its grade point equivalent, and use the formula: SGPA = (Sum of (Grade Point * Credit Hours)) / Total Credit Hours.

⭐What should I do if my institution uses a different grading scale for SGPA to percentage conversion?

Refer to your university or college for their official conversion formula or guidelines.

⭐What is the percentage range for SGPA values between 5.5 to 9.5?

Use the formula: Percentage = (SGPA - 0.75) * 10 to calculate the percentages corresponding to SGPA values from 5.5 to 9.5.

⭐Which Indian universities have specific SGPA to percentage conversion methods?

AKTU and VTU use Percentage = (SGPA - 0.75) * 10 for B.Tech and UG courses. BHU uses Percentage = (SGPA / 10) * 100 for UG and PG courses. Amity University uses Percentage = (CGPA - 0.75) * 10 for UG and PG courses.

⭐Are the conversion methods mentioned here subject to change?

Yes, refer to your university’s guidelines for the most up-to-date process.

⭐How can I provide feedback or notify about different conversion methods?

Share feedback in the comment section below the document.

⭐Can I use SGPA to percentage for engineering (B.Tech) and Medical (NEET AIIMS MBBS)?

These methods are specific to the universities and courses mentioned. Always follow your university’s guidelines for the appropriate calculation method.



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