SBI Clerk Salary 2025 | Junior Associate (JA) Per Month, Grade Pay & Salary Slip

The starting basic pay for a SBI Clerk is between ₹19,900 and ₹47920 per month. The grade pay for a SBI Clerk is ₹1900 which falls under Level 02. The salary for a traffic constable falls under Pay Band 3, i.e., PB-1 (₹5,200 to ₹20,200).
The SBI junior associate salary per month Per Month is ₹29134/-. This in-hand salary includes all allowances and deductions. Considering the current perks and deductions based on the 7th CPC, the highest sbi associate salary in hand can reach up to ₹57154/- after 40 years of continuous service. For comprehensive details on the SBI Clerk Salary Per Month Grade Pay, please refer to the information provided below.
Latest Update
Big News! SBI Clerk Salary and Allowances have been Increased! Use the SBI Clerk Salary Per Month Calculator below to find updated, year-wise in-hand salary.
एसबीआई क्लर्क वेतन और भत्ते बढ़ा दिए गए हैं! अद्यतन, वर्ष-वार इन-हैंड वेतन जानने के लिए नीचे दिए गए एसबीआई क्लर्क वेतन प्रति माह कैलकुलेटर का उपयोग करें।
SBI Clerk Salary with Grade Pay, Pay Scale, and 7th Pay
A SBI Clerk's Salary amounts to a net salary of ₹3.4 Lakh to 6.8 Lakh. The total annual salary, including all benefits, can be between ₹4.1 Lakh to 7.4 Lakh. Check out the complete details of the SBI Clerk Salary Grade Pay 1900 details in this table:
SBI Clerk Salary Slip 7th Pay Commission
The SBI Clerk Pay Scale Salary slip shows a total of Rs 34427. There are also deductions such as Rs 5293. After considering all these factors, the net monthly in-hand salary of Rs 29134/- of a SBI Clerk Salary is given. Please ensure to check the below sample of SBI Clerk Salary slips for accurate information:
SBI Clerk Salary Year Wise
An SBI clerk's base pay ranges from 29,453 to 30,550 rupees. Throughout the entire year, the employee will continue to receive a monthly salary that ranges from Rs. 29453 to Rs. 30550. The basic SBI clerk salary will increase by Rs. 1000 after the first year of employment, reaching Rs. 20,900. Selected SBI Clerks will receive a base salary of Rs. 22130/- per month with annual raises of Rs. 1230/-. For the sixth year, the basic pay scale will be as follows: 24590—1490 (4)—30550—1730 (7)—42600—3270 (1)—45930—1990 (1)—47920. Numerous timely allowances, such as the dearness allowance (DA), house rent allowance (HRA), grade allowance (GA), etc., are available in addition to the in-hand allowance.
SBI CLERK SALARY: 01-10 Year | |
Year | Salary |
1st Year | Rs 17900/- |
2nd Year | Rs 20900/- |
3rd Year | Rs 22130/- |
4th Year | Rs 23360/- |
5th Year | Rs 24590/- |
6th Year | Rs 26080/- |
7th Year | Rs 27570/- |
8th Year | Rs 29060/- |
9th Year | Rs 30550/- |
10th Year | Rs 32280/- |
SBI CLERK SALARY: 11-18 Year | |
Year | Salary |
11th Year | Rs 34010/- |
12thYear | Rs 35740/- |
13th Year | Rs 37470/- |
14th Year | Rs 39200/- |
15th Year | Rs 40930/- |
16th Year | Rs 42660/- |
17th Year | Rs 45870/- |
18th Year | Rs 47920/- |
After 18th Year | Rs 47920/- |
SBI Clerk Salary Post Wise
Post Name | Salary |
SBI Clerk | Rs 17900 |
SBI PO | Rs 29,000 - Rs 33,000/- |
SBI Officer Scale 2 | Rs 29,000 to Rs33000/- |
SBI Officer Scale 2 General Banking Officer | Rs 33,000 - Rs 39,000/- |
SBI Officer Scale 3 | Rs 38,000 – Rs 44,000/- |
SBI Clerk Salary Allowances
Post Name | Salary |
Basic Pay | Rs 19900/- |
DA (Dearness Allowance) | As Per Quartly Revised Rate |
HRA (House Rent Allowance) | As Per Norms |
City Compensatory Allowances (CCA) | No |
D.A. on T.A. | As per Govt rule |
Special Allowances | Yes |
SBI Clerk Salary Deduction
Post Name | Salary |
PF(10% of basic) | Rs 2388 |
NPS (10% of basic + DA) | As per Govt rule |
Income Tax | As per Govt rule |
SBI Clerk Salary: Payment in the bill (Reimbursement)
Along with their base pay, SBI clerks also receive a number of additional bonuses and allowances. These are expressed in terms of total gross emoluments. Rent, special stipends, dearness stipends, and numerous other expenses

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