RBI Assistant Previous Year Paper | Exam Pattern PDF Download In Hindi, English





Total Time


Wrong Ans

0.25 Mark 

Exam Mode

Online (CBT)

Exam Level



English Language, Reasoning,Numerical Ability

 RBI Assistant Mock Test  English Language      

  RBI Assistant Mock Test Reasoning   

 RBI Assistant Mock Test Numerical Ability     

The RBI Assistant Previous Year Question Paper is an offline exam conducted in OMR mode. The exam is at the graduate level and consists of objective multiple choice questions (MCQs) in both Hindi and English languages (except for the language subject). The total number of questions in the exam is 100, and the total time given to complete the exam is 60 minutes. Each correct answer carries one mark, and there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer. The subjects included in the exam are English Language, Reasoning, and Numerical Ability. The total marks for the exam are 100.

Candidates can prepare for the exam by practicing previous year papers, sample papers, and mock tests. These resources can help them get familiar with the exam pattern and practice their time management skills. It is also important for candidates to study the syllabus and prepare accordingly to perform well in the exam.

Selection Process:


RBI Assistant Previous Year Question Paper  

The RBI Assistant Question Paper of the previous year's examination was based on the following pattern.

[ Paper 01 ]  [ Details ]
Organization (संगठन)  Reserve Bank Of India
Exam Mode (परीक्षा मोड) Online (CBT)
Exam Level (परीक्षा स्तर)  Graduate
Exam Type (परीक्षा का प्रकार) वस्तुनिष्ठ (MCQ) Type
Paper Medium (पेपर माध्यम) Hindi & English (Except language subject)
Total Question (कुल प्रश्न) 100
Total Time (कुल समय) 60
Total Marks (कुल अंक) 100
Correct Answer (सही उत्तर) 01 Marks
Negative Marking (नकारात्मक अंकन)  0.25 negative mark
Subject (विषय )

English Language, Reasoning,Numerical Ability

 RBI Assistant Previous Year Paper English Language

The English Language section of the RBI Assistant exam requires candidates to demonstrate their proficiency in English. This section includes multiple choice questions that test candidates' grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills. To prepare for this section, candidates should practice solving previous year papers, sample papers, and mock tests. These resources can help them get familiar with the exam pattern and practice their time management skills. In addition, candidates can improve their grammar and vocabulary by reading English literature, newspapers, and magazines. Candidates should also focus on improving their comprehension skills by practicing solving comprehension questions based on passages from previous year papers and mock tests. By practicing regularly and improving their language skills, candidates can excel in this section.

RBI Assistant Previous Year Paper Reasoning 

The Reasoning section of the RBI Assistant exam tests candidates' logical and analytical abilities. This section includes multiple choice questions that assess candidates' problem-solving skills, decision-making ability, and logical reasoning. To prepare for this section, candidates should practice solving previous year papers, sample papers, and mock tests. These resources can help them get familiar with the different types of reasoning questions and learn strategies to solve them quickly and accurately. Candidates should also practice solving puzzles, riddles, and logical reasoning questions to improve their logical and analytical abilities. In addition, candidates should practice time-based mock tests to improve their speed and accuracy in solving these questions. By practicing regularly and improving their reasoning skills, candidates can perform well in this section.

RBI Assistant Previous Year Paper Numerical Ability

The Numerical Ability section of the RBI Assistant exam tests candidates' mathematical abilities. This section includes multiple choice questions that assess candidates' knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data interpretation. To prepare for this section, candidates should practice solving previous year papers, sample papers, and mock tests. These resources can help them get familiar with the exam pattern and practice their time management skills. Candidates should focus on strengthening their mathematical concepts and formulas and practice solving numerical problems and data interpretation questions. In addition, candidates should pay attention to the time management aspect of this section and practice solving numerical questions quickly and accurately. By practicing regularly with these resources and improving their mathematical skills, candidates can excel in this section.

Tip for Clearing the RBI Assistant Exam 2023

  1. Understand the Exam Pattern: The first step towards clearing the RBI Assistant Exam 2023 is to understand the exam pattern thoroughly. The exam includes sections like English Language, Reasoning, and Numerical Ability. Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and understand the weightage of each section.

  2. Practice Previous Year Papers and Mock Tests: One of the most effective ways to prepare for the RBI Assistant Exam 2023 is by practicing previous year papers and mock tests. This will help you get familiar with the exam pattern, and it will also help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Make sure you analyze your performance after each mock test and work on improving your weaknesses.

  3. Focus on Time Management: Time management is crucial in the RBI Assistant Exam 2023, as you need to solve 100 questions in 60 minutes. Hence, make sure you practice solving questions under a time limit, and try to complete each section within the allotted time.

  4. Improve your Language and Mathematical Skills: To clear the RBI Assistant Exam 2023, you need to have a good command over the English language and strong mathematical skills. Hence, read English books, newspapers, and magazines to improve your language skills, and practice solving numerical problems to improve your mathematical skills.

  5. Stay Updated: Stay updated with the latest news and events happening around the world, as the exam may include questions related to current affairs.






RBI Assistant Previous Year Paper Faqs

⭐ Is there any age limit for appearing in the RBI Assistant Exam?

Yes, the candidate must be between 20-28 years of age to be eligible for the RBI Assistant Exam.

⭐Can candidates use a calculator during the RBI Assistant Exam?

No, candidates are not allowed to use a calculator during the RBI Assistant Exam. However, rough work can be done on the provided sheets.

⭐ Is the RBI Assistant Exam conducted in online mode or offline mode?

The RBI Assistant Exam is conducted in online mode, except for the Language Proficiency Test (LPT), which is conducted in an offline mode.

⭐What is the negative marking scheme for the RBI Assistant Exam?

For every incorrect answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted from the total score of the candidate.

⭐Can candidates choose their preferred language for the RBI Assistant Exam?

Yes, candidates can choose their preferred language for the RBI Assistant Exam. The exam is conducted in both English and Hindi languages, except for the English Language section, which is conducted only in English.



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