RSMSSB Rajasthan Lab Technician Salary 2025: Monthly Pay Scale, Grade Pay & Salary Slip

The starting basic pay for Rajasthan Lab Technician is ₹26,300-83,500 per month. Under this grade, the grade pay at Level 08 is ₹2,800. This, being a Pay Band 3 employee, earns a monthly salary between ₹5,200 and ₹20,200. Considering all types of allowances and deductions, the in-hand salary can be estimated to be ₹37,656.

After 40 years of service, the in-hand salary can reach as high as ₹94,856 through the highest perks and deductions under the 7th CPC. The salary is much the same for almost all the positions, and just a few variations apply for allowances and deductions. Further details on salary and grade pay are available under subsequent sections.

Latest Update

Big News! Rajasthan Lab Technician Salary and Allowances have been Increased! Use the calculator below to find out updated, year-wise in-hand salary.

राजस्थान लैब टेक्नीशियन के वेतन और भत्ते बढ़ाए गए! अद्यतन, वर्ष-वार इन-हैंड वेतन जानने के लिए नीचे दिए गए राजस्थान लैब तकनीशियन वेतन प्रति माह कैलकुलेटर का उपयोग करें।

Rajasthan Lab Technician Salary: Grade Pay, Pay Scale & 7th Pay Commission

The net annual salary of Rajasthan Lab Technician ranges from ₹4.5 Lakh to ₹11.3 Lakh, which totals from ₹5.3 Lakh to ₹12.1 Lakh in total salary including benefits. See the table below for a breakdown.:

Pay Level  08
Pay Band  PB-1 (5200 to 20200)
Grade Pay  2800
Pay Scale   ₹26300/- -83500/-
Basic Salary ₹26300
Maximum Salary  ₹83500/-
Dearness Allowance (DA)  ₹11046(42% Of Basic Pay)
House Rent Allowance (HRA)  ₹7101 (27%Of Basic Pay)
Transport Allowance (TA)  As per Rule 
Monthly In-Hand Salary  ₹37656/- to 94856/-
Yearly In-Hand Salary  ₹4.5 Lakh to 11.3 Lakh  
Yearly Gross Salary  ₹5.3 Lakh to 12.1 Lakh 
✦ Try Rajasthan Lab Technician Salary Calculator (⬇).

Rajasthan Lab Technician Salary Slip 7th Pay Commission

The RSMSSB Rajasthan Lab Technician Salary Slip shows a gross monthly salary of ₹44,447, with deductions (PF, NPS, and taxes) totaling ₹6,791. The net in-hand salary is ₹37,656. Refer to the sample salary slips below for details.

Salary Allowances & Deductions

Allowances Details

Benefits Details
HRA (House Rent Allowance) 9-27% of the Basic Salary
DA (Dearness Allowance) 50% of the Basic salary
TA (Travel Allowance) As this is fieldwork. TA will be claimed.
Additional Digitization and the Digital Work, Bonus on Festival, and other

Deduction Details

NPS (10% of basic + DA) 3629
PF (10% of basic) 3156
Income Tax If annual salary exceeds 5 lakh or ITR Norms




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