Rajasthan Gram Sevak Result Declared 2017

So we have good news that result for this examination is available online now. Congratualtions to the candidates who qualified this examination, we wish them a bright future ahead. If you appeard in this examination you can check your result/Rank/Cut-off by navigating to Quick links section and click on Result Link, It will redirect you to result page or you can follow steps explained below.

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Nisha Chauhan- What is right answer


Malvika Yadav- Exercise Pitch Black is a biennial warfare exercise hosted by the Royal Australian Air Force. The exercise is normally held in Northern Australia, primarily at RAAF Bases Darwin and Tindal.


Yogesh Pandey- all except west bengal shares the border with tibet


Vaishnavi- Ozone layer is protecting the earth. But now the capacity of ozone is decreasing due to lot of acids and industries and radiation.


Shahnewaz Afroz- the question is wrong as per options


Shahnewaz Afroz- RAAF


Chandana Jogi- PD Vaghela


Jatin Gaur- Royal Australian Air Force


Trinayan Das- RAAF


Trinayan Das- DR.P.D vaghela

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Rajasthan Gram Sevak Result Declared 2017: -RSMSSB Raj Gram Sevak Exam result has been released on 04th July 2017. All the candidates who appeared in this examination can see their result on their official website i.e www.rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in.

Rajasthan Gram Sevak Result Details:--

Organization Name: Rajasthan Subordinate Ministry Services Selection Board
Exam Name: Raj Gram Sevak Exam
Status: Declared


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