
(1) She plays better than_______do. (Choose the appropriate pronoun AISSEE-2020

(2) I________in a school in Delhi since 2017. (Choose the appropriate form of tense) AISSEE-2020

(3) DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blank with the correct Preposition.The sheep are grazing _____ the field MP-2017

(4) DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blank with the correct Preposition. He reads books ______ great interestMP-2017

(5) DIRECT1ONS: Fill in the blank with the correct article. My cousin Ravi will arrive from______New York in July. MP-2017

(6) DIRECTIONS: Out of the given four options, choose the correct Conjunction to fill in the blank given in the sentence. Those bananas aren't ripe_____they's still green.MP-2017

(7) Choose the most suitable prefix for the given sentence: Stonehenge is a____historic monument located in Salisbury, England. MPPEB-2018

(8) Choose the most suitable determiner for the given sentence: Is there____letter for me in the bunch of letters you are holding? MPPEB-2018

(9) Choose the appropriate preposition to complete the given sentence. The cat jumped______the table. MPPEB-2018

(10) The passage mainly emphasizes the AMD-2021