(1) The ratio of the ages of two boys is 5:6. After two years, the ratio will be 7:8. The ratio of their ages after 10 years will beChandigarh Police-2013
(2) A constable is 114 meters behind a thief. The constable runs 21 meters, and the thief runs 15 meters in a minute. In what time will the constable catch the thief?Chandigarh Police-2013
(3) Who is third to the right of H? | H के दायें से तीसरा कौन है?JK Bank -2019
(4) Who is second to the right of F? | F के दायें से दूसरा कौन है?JK Bank -2019
(5) If in a certain code, LUTE is written as MUTE and FATE is written as GATE, then how will BLUE be written in that code? | यदि एक निश्चित कोड में, LUTE को MUTE लिखा जाता है और FATE को GATE लिखा जाता है , तो उस कोड में BLUE कैसे लिखा जाएगा?JK Bank -2019
(6) If in a certain language, MADRAS is coded as NBESBT, how is BOMBAY coded in that language?JK Bank -2019
(7) If FISH is written as EHRG in a certain code, how would JUNGLE be written in that code?JK Bank -2019
(8) In a certain code, TWINKLE is written as SVHOJKD, then how would FILTERS be written in that code?JK Bank -2019
(9) In a certain code, ROAD is written as URDG. How is SWAN written in that code? | एक निश्चित कोड में ROAD को URDG लिखा जाता है। उस कोड में SWAN कैसे लिखा जाता है?JK Bank -2019
(10) In 2010, if the number of female qualified candidates was 176, what was the respective ratio of the number of male qualified candidates and the number of female qualified candidates? | 2010 में, यदि योग्य महिला उम्मीदवारों की संख्या 176 थी, तो संबंधित योग्य उम्मीदवारों की संख्या और महिला योग्य उम्मीदवारों की संख्या का अनुपात?JK Bank -2019