
(1) A fishing rod is a ______kind of lever. AMU-2019

(2) The weight of an object in water is called AMU-2019

(3) _______found out that the upthrust is always equal to the weight of the water displaced. AMU-2019

(4) According to the author of 'Mentality' mentality of a nation is mainly product of its . AMU-2019

(5) The character of a nation is the result of its AMU-2019

(6) The need for a greater understanding between nations.. AMU-2019

(7) Englishmen like others to react to political situations like.. AMU-2019

(8) According to the author his countrymen should.. AMU-2019

(9) "God Bless you" is AMU-2019

(10) The synonym of connect is AMU-2019