
(1) Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom. "Beat around the bush"CRPF-2021

(2) Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence to make it grammatically correct.CRPF-2021

(3) Comprehension: Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow. Everyone must respect fellow human beings. This is an essential requirement of living in a society. We certainly owe a basic level of respect to others. Furthermore, appropriate respect must be shown to people who impact our lives. This includes our parents, relatives, teachers, friends, fellow workers and authority figures. One of the best ways of showing respect to others is listening. Listening to another person's point of view is an excellent way of respect. Most noteworthy, we must allow a person to express his views even if we disagree with them. Another important aspect of respecting others is religious/political views. Religious and cultural beliefs of others should be given a lot of consideration. Respecting other people's religions is certainly a sign of showing mature respect. Everyone must respect those who are in authority. Almost everyone deals with people in their lives that hold authority. So, a healthy amount of respect should be given to such people. People of authority can be of various categories. These are the boss, the police officer, the religious leader, the teacher, etc. In conclusion, respect is a major aspect of human socialisation. It is certainly a precious value that must be preserved. Respectful behaviour is vital for human survival. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?CRPF-2021

(4) Comprehension: Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow. Everyone must respect fellow human beings. This is an essential requirement of living in a society. We certainly owe a basic level of respect to others. Furthermore, appropriate respect must be shown to people who impact our lives. This includes our parents, relatives, teachers, friends, fellow workers and authority figures. One of the best ways of showing respect to others is listening. Listening to another person's point of view is an excellent way of respect. Most noteworthy, we must allow a person to express his views even if we disagree with them. Another important aspect of respecting others is religious/political views. Religious and cultural beliefs of others should be given a lot of consideration. Respecting other people's religions is certainly a sign of showing mature respect. Everyone must respect those who are in authority. Almost everyone deals with people in their lives that hold authority. So, a healthy amount of respect should be given to such people. People of authority can be of various categories. These are the boss, the police officer, the religious leader, the teacher, etc. In conclusion, respect is a major aspect of human socialisation. It is certainly a precious value that must be preserved. Respectful behaviour is vital for human survival. What is the central theme of this passage?CRPF-2021

(5) Comprehension: Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow Everyone must respect fellow human beings. This is an essential requirement of living in a society. We certainly owe a basic level of respect to others. Furthermore, appropriate respect must be shown to people who impact our lives. This includes our parents, relatives, teachers, friends, fellow workers and authority figures. One of the best ways of showing respect to others is listening. Listening to another person's point of view is an excellent way of respect. Most noteworthy, we must allow a person to express his views even if we disagree with them. Another important aspect of respecting others is religious/political views. Religious and cultural beliefs of others should be given a lot of consideration. Respecting other people's religions is certainly a sign of showing mature respect. Everyone must respect those who are in authority. Almost everyone deals with people in their lives that hold authority. So, a healthy amount of respect should be given to such people People of authority can be of various categories. These are the boss, the police officer, the religious leader, the teacher, etc. In conclusion, respect is a major aspect of human socialisation. It is certainly a precious value that must be preserved. Respectful behaviour is vital for human survival. Which of the following CANNOT be inferred from the passage?CRPF-2021

(6) Comprehension: Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow. Everyone must respect fellow human beings. This is an essential requirement of living in a society. We certainly owe a basic level of respect to others. Furthermore, appropriate respect must be shown to people who impact our lives. This includes our parents, relatives, teachers, friends, fellow workers and authority figures. One of the best ways of showing respect to others is listening. Listening to another person's point of view is an excellent way of respect. Most noteworthy, we must allow a person to express his views even if we disagree with them. Another important aspect of respecting others is religious/political views. Religious and cultural beliefs of others should be given a lot of consideration. Respecting other people's religions is certainly a sign of showing mature respect. Everyone must respect those who are in authority. Almost everyone deals with people in their lives that hold authority. So, a healthy amount of respect should be given to such people. People of authority can be of various categories. These are the boss, the police officer, the religious leader, the teacher, etc. In conclusion, respect is a major aspect of human socialisation. It is certainly a precious value that must be preserved. Respectful behaviour is vital for human survival. Which of the following words can replace the word 'consideration' in the passage?CRPF-2021

(7) Parts of a sentence are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the parts in the correct order to form a meaningful sentence: A. of learning and culture B. always been known C. India has D. as a landCRPF-2021

(8) An object ______ its energy when raised through a height. | किसी वस्तु को ऊंचाई से ऊपर उठाने पर उसकी ऊर्जा ______ हो जाती है।CRPF-2021

(9) He 44th Amendment to the Constitution removed the right to property from the list of Fundamental Rights and converted it into a simple legal right in which year? | संविधान के 44वें संशोधन ने किस वर्ष संपत्ति के अधिकार को मौलिक अधिकारों की सूची से हटा दिया और इसे एक साधारण कानूनी अधिकार में बदल दिया?CRPF-2021

(10) Bacteria are the sole members of the Kingdom ________. | बैक्टीरिया ________ साम्राज्य के एकमात्र सदस्य हैं।CRPF-2021

(11) Which of the following options is NOT a function of the Supreme Court? | निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा विकल्प सर्वोच्च न्यायालय का कार्य नहीं है?CRPF-2021

(12) The result of the experiment of scattering alpha particles by gold foil in 1911 by ______established the nuclear model of the atom. | 1911 में ______ द्वारा सोने की पन्नी द्वारा अल्फा कणों को बिखेरने के प्रयोग के परिणाम ने परमाणु के परमाणु मॉडल की स्थापना की।CRPF-2021

(13) Which is the largest coalfield in India in the Jharkhand-Bengal belt? | झारखंड-बंगाल बेल्ट में भारत का सबसे बड़ा कोयला क्षेत्र कौन सा है?CRPF-2021

(14) As per budget 2022-23, how many Digital Banking Units will be set up in 75 districts Scheduled Commercial Banks? | बजट 2022-23 के अनुसार, 75 जिलों के अनुसूचित वाणिज्यिक बैंकों में कितनी डिजिटल बैंकिंग इकाइयाँ स्थापित की जाएंगी?CRPF-2021

(15) Which state of India is the lowest in literacy rate as of 2022? | 2022 तक भारत का कौन सा राज्य साक्षरता दर में सबसे कम है?CRPF-2021

(16) In which year was the third battle of Panipat fought? | पानीपत की तीसरी लड़ाई किस वर्ष लड़ी गई थी?CRPF-2021

(17) I.M. Bhakti Kulkarni and G.M. Praggnanandhaa were awarded the Arjuna Award 2022 in___. | आई.एम. भक्ति कुलकर्णी और जी.एम. प्रग्गनानंद को ___ में अर्जुन पुरस्कार 2022 से सम्मानित किया गया।CRPF-2021

(18) At which place India stands in solar PV deployment across the globe in 2021 as perthe report given by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy of India? | भारत के नवीन और नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा मंत्रालय द्वारा दी गई रिपोर्ट के अनुसार 2021 में भारत दुनिया भर में सौर पीवी तैनाती में किस स्थान पर है?CRPF-2021

(19) In December 2022, the Central Government announced the launch of the "Digital India Innovation Fund" to promote which sector? | दिसंबर 2022 में, केंद्र सरकार ने किस क्षेत्र को बढ़ावा देने के लिए "डिजिटल इंडिया इनोवेशन फंड" लॉन्च करने की घोषणा की?CRPF-2021

(20) In March 2022, which organization started the 'Jiva Program' to promote natural farming? | मार्च 2022 में, किस संगठन ने प्राकृतिक खेती को बढ़ावा देने के लिए 'जीवा कार्यक्रम' शुरू किया?CRPF-2021