
(1) Prime minister of India launched Swatch Bharat Abhiyan onChandigarh Police-2013

(2) Where is Great Himalayan National ParkChandigarh Police-2013

(3) Which historical personality was known as Lion of PunjabChandigarh Police-2013

(4) Densest planet of Solar system isChandigarh Police-2013

(5) India shares longest boundary withChandigarh Police-2013

(6) Longest National highway of India isChandigarh Police-2013

(7) Fundamental duties were inserted by.....amendment of the constitutionChandigarh Police-2013

(8) First women speaker of Lok SabhaChandigarh Police-2013

(9) Primary sector of Indian economy includeChandigarh Police-2013

(10) Who is the Home Minister of India?Chandigarh Police-2013