OSSSC Forester Salary 2025: Monthly Pay, Grade Pay & Slip

The basic pay for OSSSC Forester is between ₹25,500 and ₹81,100 per month. There is a Grade Pay of ₹2400 in Level 04, under Pay Band 3 (PB-1, ₹5200 to ₹20,200)..

The OSSSC Forester receives ₹38,482 per month with all the allowances and deductions. The highest in-hand salary of OSSSC Forester after 40 years of service can go up to ₹1,19,880. Check the details below..

Latest Update

Big News! OSSSC Forester Salary and Allowances have been Increased! Use the Calculator below to find updated, year-wise in-hand salary.

OSSSC फॉरेस्टर के वेतन और भत्ते बढ़ा दिए गए हैं! अद्यतन, वर्ष-वार इन-हैंड वेतन जानने के लिए नीचे दिए गए कैलकुलेटर का उपयोग करें।

OSSSC Forester Grade Pay, Pay Scale, and 7th Pay

The OSSSC Forester's net salary ranges from ₹4.6 Lakh to ₹14.3 Lakh annually, with a total salary (including benefits) between ₹5.4 Lakh and ₹16.9 Lakh. See the table below for detailed salary and Grade Pay 2400 information.:

Pay Level  04
Pay Band PB-2 (5200 to 20200)  
Grade Pay  2400
Pay Scale   25,500/- to 81100/-
Basic Salary 25,500/-
Maximum Salary  81100/-
Dearness Allowance (DA)  ₹12750 (50% Of Basic Pay)
House Rent Allowance (HRA)  ₹6885 (Upto 27%Of Basic Pay)
Transport Allowance (TA)  As per rule
Monthly In-Hand Salary  ₹38482/- to 119880/- 
Yearly In-Hand Salary  ₹4.6 Lakh to 14.3 Lakh 
Yearly Gross Salary ₹5.4 Lakh to 16.9 Lakh 
✦ Try OSSSC Forester Salary Calculator (⬇).

OSSSC Forester Salary Slip 7th Pay Commission

The OSSSC Forester pay slip shows a total salary of ₹44,115, with deductions of ₹6,783. After deductions, the net monthly in-hand salary is ₹38,482. For accurate details, check the sample OSSSC Forester salary slips below.:


Forester Odisha salary Allowances and Deductions

HRA (House Rent Allowance) 50% of the Basic Salary
TA (Travel Allowance) As Per Applicable
DA (Dearness Allowance) 27% of the Basic Salary
Additional Digitization and the Digital Work, Bonus on Festival, and other
Odisha OSSSC Forester Salary Deductions
NPS Rs 3,123/- (10% Of Basic Pay+DA)
PF Rs.3,060/- (12% Of Basic Pay)
Police Applicable (If income will be above 5 lac)
✦ Check More Details (⬇)

OSSSC Forester Salary 2025 Faqs

⭐What is the basic pay for an OSSSC Forester?

The basic pay for an OSSSC Forester ranges from ₹25,500 to ₹81,100 per month.

⭐What is the Grade Pay for OSSSC Forester?

The Grade Pay for OSSSC Forester is ₹2400 in Level 04 under Pay Band 3 (PB-1).

⭐What is the in-hand monthly salary of OSSSC Forester?

The net monthly in-hand salary is ₹38,482, which includes all allowances and deductions.

⭐What is the highest possible in-hand salary for OSSSC Forester?

After 40 years of service, the highest in-hand salary can go up to ₹1,19,880 per month.

⭐What are the major deductions from OSSSC Forester's salary?

Deductions include NPS (₹3,123), PF (₹3,060), and applicable police deductions for high income.



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