NYPD Salary – New York City Police Salary After 5 Year, By Rank and Promotion

The average salary for all NYPD Police or New York City Police is $121,589 per year and $58.33 per hour. The NYC police salary per month is $9649.  The New York City Police salary is 11.1% more than the National Average. The starting base salary of NYPD is $59,340 per year. After 5 and a half years, the average NYPD salary is $121,589 yearly. Senior and experienced New York City Police Officers receive a mid-salary of $185,754 per year. New York City Police Detectives or Sergeants earn $92,262 per year. NYPD Lieutenants have a salary of $129,745 per year, while NYPD Captains earn $173,933 per year. NYPD Commanders receive $185,379 per year, and Deputy Chiefs or Deputy Inspectors earn $212,456 per year. The Chief of Police in the NYPD earns more than $320,456 per year.

NYPD Salary Base vs Additional

The salary of NYPD, New York State Police, is composed of 89% Base Salary and up to 11% as Additional. New joiners of NYPD Police are promoted periodically based on experience to Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Deputy Inspector, and finally Chief of Police.

NYPD Salary (NYC Police) vs Top US Cities

The salary of the NYC police is very impressive compared to the national average, but it’s not the highest. There are many cities in the US where police or sheriff’s officers earn more than NYPD police. San Jose, CA, pays the highest salary to their police officers, with an average pay of $132,090 per year.

New York, NY Police Salary and Other States

According to research by Sarkari Naukri Exams, the salary for entry-level police officers in New York ranks as the 6th highest among states, with an annual pay of $79,490. On the other hand, the average salary for state police in California ranks 1st, with an average pay of $111,220 per year. Other states where police officers earn more than those in the NYPD or NYC Police are Alaska, New Jersey, Washington, and Hawaii.

New York City Police (NYPD) Benifits, Promotion and Salary By Rank

The NYPD offers its officers a comprehensive benefits package, including paid vacation, fully paid sick leave, and comprehensive medical coverage. Additionally, officers can participate in a compensation plan that includes deferred compensation, 401K, and I.R.A. After 22 years of service, officers have the option to retire at half salary and receive an annual $12,000 supplement. Promotional opportunities exist, allowing NYPD officers to climb the ranks and earn higher salaries.

New York City Police, NYPD Salary FAQs

⭐What is the average annual salary for all NYPD or New York City Police?

The average annual salary for NYPD officers is $121,589

⭐How much do NYPD officers earn per hour?

NYPD officers earn approximately $58.33 per hour

⭐What is the monthly salary for NYPD officers in New York City?

The monthly salary for NYPD officers is $9,649

⭐How does the NYPD salary compare to the National Average?

The New York City Police salary is 11.1% higher than the National Average

⭐What is the starting base salary for NYPD officers?

The starting base salary for NYPD officers is $59,340 per year

⭐After 5 and a half years, what is the average annual salary for NYPD officers?

After 5 and a half years of service, the average NYPD salary is $121,589 yearly.



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