Nidal Wonder (Salish Matter Boyfriend) –Age (13), Height, Crush, Net Worth, Girlfriend, Biography

Nidal Wonder Net Worth Biography, Wiki FAQs

⭐In which city does Nidal Wonder reside?

Nidal Wonder calls California, USA, his home city.

⭐How old is Nidal Wonder currently?

Nidal Wonder is presently 13 years old, born on December 21, 2010.

⭐What is Nidal Wonder's height?

Nidal Wonder's height is approximately 4 feet 2 inches.

⭐Has anything noteworthy occurred to Nidal Wonder?

There are no known significant events affecting Nidal Wonder at present.

⭐What is Nidal Wonder's nationality?

Nidal Wonder holds American nationality.

⭐What are the ages of Nidal and Salish?

Nidal Wonder is 13 years old, while his girlfriend, Salish Matter, has an undisclosed age.



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