NHM ASSAM Salary - Staff Nurse, Doctor, Pharmacist, Laboratory Technician, ANM and Medical Officer

The salary scale for NHM Assam varies from Staff Nurse, Doctor to Pharmacist. NHM Assam Staff Nurse or ANM has salary pay band of 2 i.e,14000-49000. Where as the salary of NHM Assam Pharmacist and Laboratory Technician also have same pay band 2 but grade pay is 7400. This article provides complete details of the Assam NHM Salary. The salary of Assam Teacher for Doctors, Staff Nurse, Lab Technician, Pharmacist and ANM to Medical Officer Jobs vary as per locations. It also fully covers the salary of Assam Teacher X-Ray Technician, Ayurvedic Pharmacist, Health Inspector, and Other Hospital Staffs. These pay scale ranges from a revised grade pay of 6200 to 12700

In Assam health sector, the pay structure varies by role and posts. Radiographer in NHM Assam has a grade pay of ₹6200. In the Assam Hospital, key roles like Medical Officer (MO) and Doctors earn a grade pay of ₹12700. The actual salary of Doctors and Hospital Staff varies, and in hand earning is ₹31606 to ₹61590 per month.

For more complete information on the salaries of NHM Assam Salary of Staff Nurse, Pharmacist, PLaboratory Technician, Doctos in govt hospitals, please refer to the details provided below.

NHM Assam Salary for Staff Nurse, ANM, Compounder and X-Ray Technician

NHM Assam employees like Radiographer, X-Ray Technician, Technician, Public Health Nurse, Ayurvedic Pharmacist, Rural Health Inspector, Sanitary Inspector, Compounder, and ANM gets salary scale of ₹14,000-₹49,000 base pay and grade pay ₹6200. After adding allowances and subtracting deductions, they get ₹34,546-₹81,556 per month. So, this translates to an annual salary of ₹4.1 lakh to ₹9.7 lakh. The gross annual salary for the NHM Assam staff nurse and similar positions is between ₹4.5 lakh and ₹10.2 lakh.

Pay Band PB-2
Pay Scale ₹14000-₹49000
Grade Pay ₹6200
Total Pay  ₹20200-₹55200
DA Range ₹9292-₹25392
HRA Range ₹930-₹1390
Other Allowances ₹800-₹1500
Deduction Amount  ₹1616-₹4416
Monthly In Hand Salary 31606/- to 76674/-
Yearly In Hand Salary  ₹3.7 Lakh to ₹9.1 Lakh
Yearly Gross Salary ₹4.1 Lakh to ₹9.5 Lakh 

NHM Assam Salary for Pharmacist and Laboratory Technician Jobs 

The NHM Assame Pharmacist and Laboratory Technician (Pharmacy) Salary has a Pay Scale of ₹14,000 to ₹49,000 and a Grade Pay of ₹7400. The Total Pay for Assam Pharmacist /Lab Technician is ₹21400 to ₹56400. The Monthly In-Hand Salary of is between ₹31328 and ₹79758. The Yearly In-Hand Salary ranges from ₹3.7 Lakh to ₹9.5 Lakh, while the Yearly Gross Salary is between ₹4.1 Lakh and ₹10.5 Lakh.

Check out the complete details from the table:

Pharmacist/Lab Tech  SALARY
Pay Band PB-2
Pay Scale ₹14000-₹49000
Grade Pay ₹7400
Total Pay Range ₹21400-₹56400
DA Range ₹9844-₹25944
HRA Range ₹1220-₹2530
Other Allowances Range ₹1400-₹2500
Deduction Amount Range ₹2516-₹7616
Monthly In Hand Salary 31328/- to 79758/-
Yearly In Hand Salary  ₹3.7 Lakh to ₹9.5 Lakh
Yearly Gross Salary ₹4.1 Lakh to ₹10.5 Lakh 

NHM Assam Doctor Medical Officer (MO) Salary

An Assam Medical officer and Dental Surgeon salary is more with the newly revised pay scale. The lowest in hand yearly salary for a Assam Doctor/Medical Officer is ₹7.3 Lakh, and the highest salary is 20.8 Lakh in Assam. Where as the gross salary without any deductions ranges from 7.9 Lakh to ₹22.3 Lakh per annum.

Check out the complete details of Assam Medical Officer monthly salary and pay structure detail in this table:

Pay Band PB-4
Pay Scale 30000-₹110000
Grade Pay 12,700
Total Pay Range 42700-₹122700
DA Range 19642-₹56442
HRA Range 2090-₹3140
Other Allowances Range 1500-₹3800
Deduction Amount Range 4330-₹12330
Monthly In Hand Salary 61590/- to ₹173765/-
Yearly In Hand Salary  ₹7.3 Lakh to ₹20.8 Lakh
Yearly Gross Salary ₹7.9 Lakh to ₹22.3 Lakh

NHM Assam Salary of Revised 7th Pay Commission

Here are the details of Assam NHM Salaryof Medical Headth Officer, Dentatal Surgeon Doctor, Pharmacist, Lab Technician, Staff Nurse, and ANM jobs. Check out the salary details of NHM salary in Assam from below image:



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