MPPSC Syllabus 2024 in Hindi PDF Download: Pre & Mains Exam Pattern
✨MPPSC Prelims Syllabus (2024)
The MPPSC Prelims Syllabus 2024 will consist of two papers: General Studies and General Aptitude. Each paper will have 100 questions, for a total of 200 questions for the exam. The maximum marks for the Prelims exam are 400, with each paper carrying 200 marks. There is no negative marking, and candidates will be awarded two marks for each correct answer. To qualify for the MPPSC Prelims exam, candidates must achieve a minimum score of 40% in General Studies and 30% in General Aptitude.
The General Studies paper will cover a wide range of topics, including Indian history, culture, geography, economics, and polity. The General Aptitude paper will test candidates' reasoning skills, quantitative aptitude, and English language skills.
✨ MPPSC Post Name (2024)
State Administrative Service and Deputy Collector: State officer
State Police Service and Deputy Superintendent of Police: Police officer
School Department: Education department
Population Department: Population department
Labour Officer: Worker rights officer
Jail Department: Prisoner care department
Deputy Tehsildar: Revenue officer
Madhya Pradesh Subordinate Accounts Service: State finance officer
Assistant Labour Officer: Worker rights assistant
Here is a more detailed overview of the MPPSC Syllabus 2024 Prelims exam.
MPPSC प्रीलिम्स सिलेबस 2024 ✨
पेपर लेवल
12वीं और ग्रेजुएट
पेपर मीडियम
हिंदी और इंग्लिश
ऑफलाइन (OMR)
कुल पेपर
प्रश्न प्रकार
वस्तुनिष्ठ (MCQ)
कुल प्रश्न
100 प्रत्येक पेपर
कुल समय
02 घंटे प्रति पेपर
कुल अंक
200 प्रत्येक पेपर
सही उत्तर
02 अंक
गलत उत्तर
0 अंक
विषय ✨
पेपर 1: GS
पेपर 2: अभिरुचि
जनरल: 40%अंक
अन्य : 30% अंक
MPPSC Syllabus 2024 Prelims ⬇ | |
इवेंट | डिटेल |
संगठन नाम | MPPSC |
चयन प्रक्रिया ✨ | प्रारंभिक, मुख्य परीक्षा, और साक्षात्कार |
एग्जाम मोड | ऑफलाइन |
एग्जाम लेवल | 12वीं और UG |
परीक्षा टाइप | ऑब्जेक्टिव (MCQ) |
पेपर माध्यम | हिंदी और इंग्लिश |
प्रश्न संख्या | 200 (100 प्रत्येक पेपर) |
टाइम लिमिट | 120 मिनट (प्रत्येक पेपर) |
टोटल मार्क्स | 400 (200 प्रत्येक पेपर) |
सही आंसर ✅ | 02 मार्क्स |
नेगेटिव मार्किंग ✨ | No, (0 मार्क्स) |
पार्ट 1: सब्जेक्ट नाम (200 मार्क्स) | सामान्य अध्ययन |
पार्ट 2: सब्जेक्ट नाम (200 मार्क्स) | सामान्य अभिरुचि परीक्ष |
कट ऑफ मार्क्स | जनरल: 40% | अन्य: 30% |
MPPSC Mains Syllabus (2024)
MPPSC Syllabus 2024 - Mains Exam
The MPPSC Mains exam has 6 papers, each 3 hours long. Each paper is worth 300 marks. There is also an interview worth 175 marks.
Papers 1 to 4: General Studies
Paper 1: History and Geography
Paper 2: Politics, Economics, and Sociology
Paper 3: Science and Technology
Paper 4: Philosophy, Psychology, and Public Administration
Papers 5 and 6: Hindi
Paper 5: General Hindi and Grammar
Paper 6: Hindi Essay and Letter Writing
The cutoff for each paper is 40% for General category candidates and 30% for others. The top 3 times the number of vacancies will be selected for the interview.
MPPSC मेंस सिलेबस 2024 ✨
कुल पेपर
06 (ऑफलाइन)
परीक्षा प्रकार
वर्णनात्मक पेपर
पेपर 1 (GS)
इतिहास, भूगोल
समय: 3 घंटे
पूर्णांक: 300
माध्यम: हिंदी, इंग्लिश
पेपर 3 (GS)
विज्ञान, तकनीकी
समय: 3 घंटे
पूर्णांक: 300
माध्यम: हिंदी, इंग्लिश
पेपर 2 (GS)
राजनीति, अर्थशास्त्र,
एवं समाज शास्त्र
समय: 3 घंटे
पूर्णांक: 300
माध्यम: हिंदी, इंग्लिश
पेपर 4 (GS)
दर्शनशास्त्र, मनोविज्ञान
एवं लोक प्रशासन
समय: 3 घंटे
पूर्णांक: 300
माध्यम: हिंदी, इंग्लिश
पेपर 5 (हिंदी)
सामान्य हिन्दी एवं व्याकरण
समय: 3 घंटे
पूर्णांक: 300
माध्यम: हिंदी
पेपर 6 (हिंदी)
हिन्दी निबंध एवं प्रारूप लेखन
समय: 3 घंटे
पूर्णांक: 300
माध्यम: हिंदी
175 अंक
कुल अंक
1575 अंक
इंटरव्यू के लिए चयन
कुल पोस्ट संख्या
का 3 गुना
कट-ऑफ प्रत्येक पेपर
जनरल: 40%अंक
अन्य : 30% अंक
Mains Paper | Marks / Time |
General Studies-I | 300 / 3 Hours |
General Studies-II | 300 / 3 Hours |
General Studies-III | 300 / 3 Hours |
General Studies-IV | 200 / 3 Hours |
Hindi | 200 / 3 Hours |
Hindi Essay | 100 / 2 Hours |
MPPSC Syllabus 2024 सामान्य अध्ययन (General Studies)
सामान्य विज्ञान एवं पर्यावरण
राष्ट्रीय एवं अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय महत्व की वर्तमान घटनाएं
भारत का इतिहास एवं स्वतंत्र भारत
भारतीय राजनीति एवं अर्थव्यवस्था
मध्यप्रदेश का भूगोल, इतिहास तथा संस्कृति
मध्यप्रदेश की राजनीति एवं अर्थव्यवस्था
सूचना एवं संचार प्रौद्योगिकी
अनुसूचित जाति एवं जनजाति
MPPSC Syllabus 2024 सामान्य अभिरुचि परीक्षण (General Aptitude)
संचार कौशल सहित अंतर वैयक्तिक कौशल
तार्किक कौशल एवं विश्लेषणात्मक क्षमता
निर्णय लेना और समस्या समाधान
सामान्य मानसिक योग्यता
आधारभूत संख्यनन
आंकड़ों का निर्वचन
हिन्दी भाषा में बोधगम्यता कौशल दसवीं कक्षा के स्तर की
MP PCS Syllabus 2024 Mains Subject Details
General Studies 1
- History (इतिहास) Geography (Security Issues), Water Management (जल प्रबंधन), Disaster Management (आपदा प्रबंधन)
General Studies-I
- Constitution (संविधान), Security Issues (सुरक्षा मुद्दे), Social Legislation (सामाजिक विधान), Social Sector (सामाजिक क्षेत्र) etc
General Studies-I
Science and Technology (विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी), Reasoning and Data Interpretation (तर्क और डेटा व्याख्या), Technology (टेक्नोलॉजी), etc
General Studies-I
- Human needs and Motivation (मानवीय आवश्यकताएं और प्रेरणा), Philosophers (दर्शनशास्त्र), Attitude (दृष्टिकोण), etc
- 10th level
Hindi Essay
- सामान्य
General Studies-I
इतिहास के हिस्से में विश्व इतिहास, भारतीय इतिहास, मध्यकालीन भारतीय इतिहास, आधुनिक भारतीय इतिहास जैसे ब्रिटिश आक्रमण, भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम और स्वतंत्रता के बाद के संघर्ष पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जाएगा।
भूगोल का हिस्सा भारतीय भूगोल (भौतिक और मानव दोनों), मृदा और खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उद्योग पर केंद्रित होगा।
आपदा प्रबंधन एक महत्वपूर्ण विषय भी है। मानव निर्मित आपदा, सामुदायिक योजना और मामले के अध्ययन जैसे क्षेत्रों पर ध्यान दें।
संस्कृति भाग में मध्य प्रदेश के विशेष संदर्भ के साथ भारतीय संस्कृति और विरासत जैसे विषय शामिल होंगे।
General Studies-II
संविधान के भाग में मौलिक अधिकार, राज्य नीतियों के निदेशक सिद्धांत (डीपीएसपी), केंद्र और राज्य विधानसभाएं, न्यायपालिका, पंचायती राज जैसे विषय शामिल होंगे।
एक इच्छुक व्यक्ति को एलीमेंट्री एजुकेशन और लड़की शिक्षा से संबंधित मुद्दों पर वर्तमान अपडेट पर विशेष ध्यान देने के साथ एजुकेशन सिस्टम के बारे में पढ़ना चाहिए
HRD, International Organisations जैसे विषयों का एक सरल वाचन पर्याप्त होगा |
सामाजिक विधान के लिए, राज्य और केंद्रीय कैबिनेट द्वारा पारित चालू विधेयकों और एक बहस में लोगों पर अधिक ध्यान केंद्रित करें।
सोशल सेक्टर सेगमेंट के तहत, हेल्थ सर्विसेज, टेक्नोलॉजिकल इंटरवेंशन जैसे फैमिली हेल्थ क्लच मार्क्स के क्षेत्र में
General Studies-III
विभिन्न राज्य सेवा परीक्षाओं के विपरीत, एमपीपीएससी अपने मुख्य परीक्षा में तर्क और डेटा व्याख्या जैसे विषयों को शामिल करता है। एक उम्मीदवार को अभ्यास करने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना चाहिए- बेसिक न्यूमेरिसिटी एंड स्टैटिस्टिक्स, प्रॉफिट एंड लॉस, मेंसुरेशन।
ऊर्जा, पर्यावरण, सतत विकास और भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था जैसे विषयों को बुनियादी एनसीईआरटी के संदर्भ में समझा जा सकता है।
सामान्यीकृत विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी के मुद्दों को भी उम्मीदवारों द्वारा पढ़ा जाना चाहिए
नैतिकता, अखंडता आदि पर सामान्य विषय और केस अध्ययन शामिल होंगे।
MPPSC Syllabus Prelims Paper 1: General Studies (GS)
History, Culture, and Literature of Madhya Pradesh
Major events and Major dynasties in the history of Madhya Pradesh.
Contribution of Madhya Pradesh to the freedom movement.
Major arts and Sculpture of Madhya Pradesh.
Major Tribes and Dialects of Madhya Pradesh.
Major festivals, Folk music, Folk arts, and Folk literature of Madhya Pradesh.
Important Literator of Madhya Pradesh and their literature.
Religious and tourist places of Madhya Pradesh.
Important Tribal Personalities of Madhya Pradesh.
History of India
Major features, Events, and administrative, Social, and Economical Systems of Ancient and Medieval India.
Social and Religious Reform movements in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Independence struggle and the Indian National Movement for Freedom.
Integration and Reorganization of India after Independence.
Geography of Madhya Pradesh
Forest, Forest Produce, Wildlife, Rivers, Mountains, and Mountain ranges of Madhya Pradesh.
The climate of Madhya Pradesh.
Natural and Mineral Resources of Madhya Pradesh.
Transport in Madhya Pradesh.
Major Irrigation and Electrical Projects in Madhya Pradesh.
Agriculture, Animal husbandry, and Agriculture based industries in Madhya Pradesh.
Geography of the World and India
Physical Geography:
- Physical features and Natural regions.
Natural Resources:
- Forest, Mineral resources, Water, Agriculture, Wildlife, National Parks/ Sanctuaries/Safari.
Social Geography:
- Population-related Demography (Population growth, Age, Sex ratio, Literacy).
Economic Geography:
Natural and Human Resources (Industry, Modes of Transport).
Continents/Countries/Oceans/Rivers/Mountains of the world.
Natural Resources of World.
Conventional and Non-conventional Energy Resources
5. (A) Constitutional System of Madhya Pradesh.
- Constitutional System of Madhya Pradesh.
5. (B) The economy of Madhya Pradesh.
Demography and Census of Madhya Pradesh.
Economic Development of Madhya Pradesh.
Major Industries of Madhya Pradesh.
Castes of Madhya Pradesh.
Constitution Government and Economy of India
Government India Act 1919 and 1935.
Constituent Assembly.
Union Executive, President, and Parliament.
Fundamental Rights and Duties of the Citizens and Directive Principles of State Policy.
Constitutional Amendments.
Supreme Court and Judicial System.
Indian Economy
Financial Institutions
Science and Technology.
Basic Principles of Science.
Important Indian Scientific Research Institutions and their Achievements, Satellite and Space Technology.
Environment and Biodiversity.
Ecological System.
Nutrition, Food, and Nutrients.
Human Body.
Agricultural Product Technology.
Food Processing.
Health Policy and Programmes.
Pollution, Natural Disasters, and Management.
Current International and National Affairs.
Important Personalities and Places.
Major Events.
Important Sports Institutes
Information and Communication Technology.
Electronics, Information and Communication Technology.
Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Cyber Security.
Internet and Social Networking Sites.
National and Regional Constitutional / Statutory Bodies.
Election Commission of India.
State Election Commission.
Union Public Service Commission.
Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission.
Comptroller and Auditor General.
NITI Aayog.
Human Rights Commission.
Women Commission.
Child Protection Commission.
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission.
Backward class Commission.
Information Commission.
Vigilance Commission.
National Green Tribunal.
Food Preservation Commission etc.
MPPSC Syllabus Prelims Paper 2: General Aptitude Test
Interpersonal skills include communication skills.
Logical reasoning and analytical ability.
Decision-making and problem-solving.
General mental ability.
Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, the order of magnitude, etc, – Class X level) Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency, etc, – Class X level).
Hindi Language Comprehension Skill (Class X level)
MPPSC Syllabus SSE (Mains) 2024
Unit I: Indian History
- Political, Economic, Social, and Cultural History of India from Harappan Civilization to 10th Century A.D.
Unit II:
Political, Economic, Social, and Cultural History of India from 11th to 18th Century A.D.
Mughal rulers and their administration, Emergence of composite culture.
Impact of British Rule on Indian Economy and Society.
Unit III:
Reactions of Indians against British Colonial Rule:
The emergence of India as a Republic Nation.
Major events of the post-independence period.
Unit IV:
Independence Movement in Madhya Pradesh.
Indian Cultural Heritage (with special reference to Madhya Pradesh).
Salient aspects of Art Forms, Literature, Festivals & Architecture from ancient to modern times.
World Heritage sites in Madhya Pradesh and Tourism.
Unit V: Dynasties of Madhya Pradesh:
- Gondwana, Bundeli, Bagheli, Holkar, Scindia, and Bhopal State (From the beginning till independence).
MPPSC Mains Syllabus 2024 Paper 1 Part B: Geography
Unit I: World Geography
Major Landforms
Natural Phenomena
Global Climate
Unit II: Geography of India
India's Landforms
Indian Climate
Natural Resources
Food Processing
Unit III: Geography of Madhya Pradesh
Major Landforms in Madhya Pradesh
Local Climate and Vegetation
Mineral and Energy Resources
Key Industries
Indigenous Tribes
Unit IV: Water and Disaster Management
Drinking Water Supply and Quality
Water Management
Groundwater and Conservation
Natural and Man-made Disasters
Disaster Management Strategies
Communication and Survival Techniques
Unit V: Advanced Techniques in Geography
Remote Sensing
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Unit 1: Constitution of India
Constitution Basics
Fundamental Rights and Duties
Judicial System
Unit 2: Indian Politics
Constitutional Bodies
Social Factors in Politics
Political Parties
Civil Society
National Integrity and Security
Unit 3: Local Governance and Accountability
Public Participation
Accountability Mechanisms
Features of Democracy
Community and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Media in Politics
Unit 4: Indian Political Thinkers
- Influential Indian Political Thinkers
Unit 5: Administration and Management
Public Administration Basics
Concepts of Power, Authority, Responsibility, and Delegation
Theories of Organization
Public Management and Change
Unit I: Economics
Agriculture, Industry, and Services in India
Measuring National Income
Banking and Financial Policies
Poverty and Unemployment
International Trade
Unit II: Economics of Madhya Pradesh
Agriculture in MP
Industrial Growth
Employment Trends
Skilled Human Resources
Unit III: Human Resource Development
Social Welfare Programs
Classes and Welfare Initiatives
Unit IV: Society and Culture
Indian Culture
Rituals and Caste System
Social Development Programs
Unit V: Population and Health
Population and Health Issues
Welfare Programs
Tribal Population
Women's Health and Nutrition
Unit 1: Science Basics
Work, Energy, and Forces
Units of Measurement
Speed, Sound, Light, Electricity, Magnetism, Heat
Unit 2: Chemistry Basics
Elements, Compounds, Mixtures
Atoms, Bonds, Acids, Bases, and Salts
pH and Chemical Changes
Unit 3: Biology
Microorganisms and Organic Farming
Cell Structure
Nutrition, Organs, Respiration, and Reproduction
Health and Hygiene
Unit 4: Computer Science
Types of Computers
Memory, Devices, Software
Internet and Social Media
Unit 5: Mathematics
Numbers and Measurement
Equations, Profit-Loss, Percentage, Interest
Statistics: Probability, Mean, Mode, Median, Variance
Unit 6: Health and Wellness
Communicable Diseases and Prevention
Vaccination Programs
AYUSH Systems
Health Schemes
Unit 7: Science and Technology Organizations
Space and Research Centers
National and International Awards
Unit 8: Energy Sources
Conventional and Non-Conventional Energy
Energy Efficiency
Renewable Energy
Unit 9: Environmental Science
Scope of Environment
Human Impact on the Environment
Environmental Education
Environmental Protection Policies
Unit 10: Geology and Natural Resources
Geology, Minerals, Oil, and Gas Exploration
MPPSC Mains Syllabus 2024 Paper 4: Philosophy, Psychology & Public Administration
Unit I:
- About Philosophers/Thinkers, Social Reformers
Unit II:
- Attitude
- Aptitude
- Emotional Intelligence
Unit III:
- Human Needs and Motivation
- Ethics and Values in Public Administration
Unit IV:
- Corruption
Unit V:
- Case Studies: Based on the contents of the syllabus.
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MPPSC Syllabus FAQs
⭐What is the MPPSC Exam for?The MPPSC Exam is for recruitment to various posts in the state government of Madhya Pradesh, such as: State Administrative Service State Police Service School Department Population Department Others
⭐What is the selection process for the MPPSC Exam?The MPPSC Exam has three stages: Preliminary Exam Main Exam Interview
⭐What is the pattern of the MPPSC Preliminary Exam?The MPPSC Preliminary Exam has two papers: General Studies (100 questions, 400 marks) General Aptitude (100 questions, 400 marks) The duration of each paper is 2 hours.
⭐Is there a negative marking system in the MPPSC Exam?No, there is no negative marking system in the MPPSC Exam.
⭐What are the minimum qualifying marks for the MPPSC Exam?Preliminary Exam: General Studies: 40% for all candidates General Aptitude: 30% for SC, ST, and OBC candidates; 40% for all other candidates Main Exam: The minimum qualifying marks for the Main Exam are not specified.
⭐What is the MPPSC Exam?An exam to get a government job in Madhya Pradesh
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