MP Patwari Salary 2024: Grade Pay, Basic Pay, Monthly Payment, Promotion & 7th Pay

MP Patwari (एमपी पटवारी) is a land revenue officer in Madhya Pradesh responsible for managing land records, collecting revenue, and overseeing land distribution among farmers. The starting Patwari basic pay of ₹ 22100 to ₹70000 per month. The grade pay of MP Patwari is ₹2100 and it’s a highly revenue job that comes under Level 05. The Patwari pay scale in MP comes under the same Pay Band PB-3 (₹5200 -₹20200).

The starting Patwari Monthly Salary is ₹31922. This in hand (एमपी पटवारी सैलरी ) inclusive of all allowances and deductions. Considering the current perks and deductions based on the 7th CPC, the highest MP Patwari in hand salary can reach upto ₹79822 after 40 years of continuous service. The overall monthly in-hand amount for the all these posts of Patwari income will be almost identical with few Variation in perks and cut 

For comprehensive details on the MP Patwari salary slip Promotions , please refer to the information provided below.

Latest Update

Big News! MP Patwari  salary and allowances have been Increased! Use the Patwari Income in MP Calculator below to find out updated, year-wise in-hand salary.

एमपी पटवारी सैलरी और भत्ते बढ़ाए गए! अद्यतन, वर्ष-वार इन-हैंड वेतन जानने के लिए नीचे दिए गए एमपी पटवारी वेतन कैलकुलेटर का उपयोग करें।

MP Patwari Salary with Grade Pay, Level and Full Yearly Income

In Madhya Pradesh, a Patwari's starting salary is the lowest, with a monthly in-hand salary of ₹3.8 lakh and the highest yearly salary reaching ₹9.5 lakh in India. The gross salary, excluding deductions, is approximately ₹4.5 lakh per annum. These in-hand salaries for Patwari encompass all additional benefits and are determined based on a Grade Pay of 2100 and Level 05.

Check out the complete details of MP Patwari monthly salary and pay structure detail in this table:

Pay Level (वेतन स्तर) 5
Pay Band (वेतन बैंड) PB-1(5200-20200)
Grade Pay (ग्रेड वेतन) ₹2100
Pay Scale (वेतनमान) ₹22100/- to 70000/-
Basic Salary (मूल वेतन) ₹22100
Maximum Salary (अधिकतम वेतन) ₹70000
Dearness Allowance (DA) (महंगाई भत्ता) ₹9282/-/- (42% Of Basic Pay)
House Rent Allowance (HRA) (घर किराया भत्ता) ₹6630/- (30% Of Basic Pay)
Transport Allowance (TA) (यातायात भत्ता) ₹7200/- to ₹10000/-
Starting In Hand Salary (प्रारंभिक हाथ में वेतन) ₹31922/- to 79822/-
Yearly In Hand Salary (वार्षिक हाथ में वेतन) ₹ 3.8 Lakh to 9.5 Lakh
Yearly Gross Salary (वार्षिक सकल वेतन) 4.5 Lakh 
✦ Try MP Patwari Calculator Below (⬇).

MP Patwari  Salary Slip Basic Pay Gross Salary

The monthly statement of Patwari salary in MP reveals a gross income of Rs 38012. This amount is subject to deductions for PF, NPS, and taxes, amounting to approximately Rs 6,090. Sub sequent to these deductions, the net monthly in-hand salary for an MP Patwari Basic Salary is Rs 31,922. For comprehensive details, please refer to the sample MPPEB Patwari Salary Slip provided below.

MP Patwari Salary 7th Pay Commission

MP Patwari Salary: [ Overview ]

✦ MP पटवारी पेपर 2017: GK✦ MP पटवारी पेपर 2017: हिंदी✦ MP पटवारी पेपर 2017: कंप्यूटर✦ पटवारी पेपर 2017: अवेयरनेस✦ MP पटवारी पेपर 2017: गणित☛ MP पटवारी प्रीवियस पेपर 2017

MP Patwari Salary 2024 Allowances

MP Patwari Salary is office work that is mainly seen in cities and urban areas. The job profile of a Patwari is to maintain the office area and documents. Some of the allowances apart from the salary of MP Patwari 2024 are given in the below table.

Allowances Details

HRA (House Rent Allowance) 30% of the Basic Salary
DA (Dearness Allowance) 42% of the Basic salary
TA (Travel Allowance) As this is fieldwork. TA will be claimed.
Additional Digitization and the Digital Work, Bonus on Festival, and other

MP Patwari Salary Deduction

Deduction amount of NPS, PF & Income tax will be done in MP Forest Inspector's basic salary & DA as per MP PEB norms.

Deduction Details

PF (10% of basic) 2100
NPS (10% of basic + DA) As per Govt rule
Income Tax If annual salary exceeds 5 lakh or ITR Norms

MP Patwari Salary 7th Pay Commission

The government of MP has kept an attractive salary for the accountant, due to which the level of competition in this exam is likely to be very high, so the candidates should prepare for this exam with a lot of dedication and concentration, which will ensure your success in the exam.

MP Patwari Salary & Promotion

Promotion of UP Patwari is done as per the norms of the Madhya Pradesh state govt.

  • 1st Promotion: MP Patwari is promoted to Registrar/Revenue Inspector (Kanungo) post after 08-12 years of service.
  • 2nd Promotion: MP Patwari is promoted to Naib Tehsildar after 15-18 years of service.
  • 3rd Promotion: MP Patwari is promoted to Tehsildar after 22-25 years of service.
  • 4th Promotion: MP Patwari is promoted to District Revenue 

MP Patwari Salary FAQs

⭐What is an MP Patwari grade pay?

The Pay Level for the provided salary details is Level 05.

⭐What is the in-hand MP Patwari's Salary Per Month?

The in-hand monthly salary is ₹ 31922/- including all allowances and deductions.

⭐What is the highest in-hand salary of an MP Patwari Salary Per Month?

The maximum in-hand salary can reach up to ₹ 79822/-per month.

⭐What is the gross yearly MP Patwari Salary in Hand?

The gross yearly salary ranges from ₹ 3.8 Lakh to 9.5 Lakh

⭐What is the Pay Scale for the Salary of Patwari?

The Pay Band is PB-3, ranging from ₹5200 to ₹20200.



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