KVS Previous Year Paper | Kendriya Vidyalaya Class 9th Question Paper Pdf

For those who are getting ready for the Kendriya Vidyalaya Class 9th Selection Test, there are KVS Previous Year Papers available in the table below that can be used for practice. The Previous Year Question Paper for Kendriya Vidyalaya can help students get familiar with the exam format and question types that might be seen in the KV admission test. To prepare for the 9th class exam, you can download the KVS Previous Year Paper in PDF format from the provided tables. Moreover, students who want to take KV exam mock tests can use the KVS Previous Year Paper for practice.

6th PYQ (GK 1)

6th PYQ (GK 2)

6th PYQ (GK 3)

6th PYQ (GK 4)

 6th PYQ (English)

 6th PYQ (MATHS)


9th Science 1

9th Science 2

9th PYQ (Social Science)

 9th PYQ (English)

 9th PYQ (MATHS)

KVS Previous Paper Selection Process

The KVS admission process for class 1st involves the submission of an online application form. The selection of students is based on the Priority Category system, and if the number of applications exceeds the number of available seats, a lottery system is used for selection. For classes 2nd to 10th, admission is done through offline mode, and only vacant seats are available for admission. For class 9th, admission is based on an admission test, and students are selected on the basis of their merit in the test. Class 11th and 12th admission is based on the merit of class 10th and 11th results, respectively.

Class Process
Class 1st Priority Category System, Lottery
Class 2nd Priority Category System, Lottery
Class 3rd Priority Category System, Lottery
Class 4th Priority Category System, Lottery
Class 5th Priority Category System, Lottery
Class 6th Priority Category System, Lottery
Class 7th Priority Category System, Lottery
Class 8th Priority Category System, Lottery
Class 9th Merit, Priority Category System, Lottery
Class 10th  Merit of Admission Test
Class 11th Merit of 10th Result
Class 12th Merit of 11th Result

Kendriya Vidyalaya Previous Year Paper Class 9th

KVS Class 9th Previous Paper

To be admitted to Kendriya Vidyalaya, students are required to take the KVS admission test for class 9th. The test is comprised of objective-type questions, and the KVS previous year paper for class 9th includes 5 subjects. Each subject in the KV previous paper includes 20 questions.

KVS Previous Paper Class 9th [Overview] 

Event  Details
Organization KVS
Exam Mode Offline
Exam Nature Priority Category System, Lottery
Exam Level Class 8th
Exam Type MCQ Type
Paper Medium English
Total Question 100
Total Time 03 Hours
Total Marks 100 Marks
Correct Answer 01 Mark
Negative Marking No
Total Subjects 5
Subjects Name English, Maths, Science, Social Science, Hindi

KVS Previous Paper Class 9th (Number of Questions)

The KVS Class 9th Previous Year Paper contains 5 subjects, namely English, Hindi, Science, Social Science, and Maths, each with 20 questions. Each subject is worth 20 marks, which means that each question in the paper is worth 1 mark.

KVS Previous Paper Class 9th [Number of Questions] 

Subject Number of Questions
English 20
Maths 20
Science 20
Social Science 20
Hindi 20

KVS Previous Year Paper Class 9th Marks Distribution

KVS Previous Paper Class 9th [Marks Distribution] 

The students who are going to appear for the KVS admission test for the Kendriya Vidyalaya admission for class 9th can check out the KVS previous year paper marks distribution in the below table. Each subject consists of 20 questions and 20 marks in the Kendriya Vidyalaya Previous paper.

Section Marks
English 20
Hindi 20
Maths  20
Science 20
Total 100

KV Previous Year Paper Class 9th

For students preparing to take the Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission Test and aiming to enter class 9th in KVS, the Kendriya Vidyalaya Previous Year Question Paper is available. By clicking on the respective link of the Kendriya Vidyalaya previous year's online test, students can begin their preparation for the KV admission test.

Previous Paper Link
KVS Previous Paper 1 Click
KVS Previous Paper 2 Click
KVS Previous Paper 3 Click

KVS Previous Year Papers for Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission Test

If you've applied for the Kendriya Vidyalaya admission test, it's recommended that you enhance your preparation by practising with KVS previous year-based questions. These questions have been collated from various exams conducted by both the central government body and KVS. To begin your practice, please click on the links provided below.

Advantages of Practicing KVS Previous Year Papers

By practising KVS old question papers, you can assess your real-time level of preparation and identify weaker areas that require further analysis and attention. This knowledge can be used to develop a strategy for further preparation or revision. Furthermore, practising with the previous year's KV admission test papers can help you achieve a higher score.

Conclusion of KVS Previous Year Papers

The KVS previous year's question papers listed above have been sourced from various exams conducted in different states and centres. They are provided solely for preparation and do not guarantee success in the actual exam. To gauge your potential, it's recommended to practice with real-time questions on your device. Sarkari Naukri Exams.com wishes you the best of luck with your upcoming Kendriya Vidyalaya admission test.



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