JSSC Primary Teacher Recruitment 2023: 26001 Vacancies, Download Admit Card Now

JSSC Primary Teacher Recruitment 2023: 26001 Vacancies, Download Admit Card Now-


  • Jharkhand PRT
  • Jharkhand TGT

You can get Detailed Description Step By Step below-

Min - 21 Years
Max - 45 Years
Written Exam

15/Sep/2023, 11:59 PM

Pay the exam fee through Debit,Credit card & online banking.

 Eligibility Details

Jharkhand PRT
: egree/ Diploma/ ITI in relevant trade/ subject or equivalent from a recognized Board/ University/ Institution.
Jharkhand TGT
: egree/ Diploma/ ITI in relevant trade/ subject or equivalent from a recognized Board/ University/ Institution.

Vacancy Details

Post NameVacancy
Jharkhand PRT

[Total - 5469]

Jharkhand TGT

[Total - 7399]

Post NameSalary
Jharkhand PRT Rs. 25,500/- to RS. 81,100/-
Jharkhand TGT Rs. 29,200/- to RS. 92,300/-

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JSSC Primary Teacher Recruitment 2023 Faqs

⭐How can I apply for the JSSC Primary Teacher Recruitment 2023?

To apply for the JSSC Primary Teacher Recruitment 2023, you need to visit the official website of Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) and fill out the online application form. Make sure to read the instructions carefully before proceeding with the application process. The application process started on 8th August 2023, and the last date to apply is 9th September 2023.

⭐ What is the age limit for the JSSC Primary Teacher Recruitment 2023?

The age limit for the JSSC Primary Teacher Recruitment 2023 is between 21 to 45 years. Candidates must be within this age range as of the specified date mentioned in the official notification to be eligible for the recruitment.

⭐What is the selection process for JSSC Primary Teacher Recruitment 2023?

The selection process for JSSC Primary Teacher Recruitment 2023 involves a Written Exam. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria and successfully submit their applications will be called to appear for the written examination. The exam date will be mentioned in the official notification.

⭐What is the salary range for Jharkhand PRT and TGT positions in JSSC Recruitment 2023?

The salary range for Jharkhand PRT (Primary Teacher) position is ₹25,500/- to ₹81,100/- per month. For Jharkhand TGT (Trained Graduate Teacher) position, the salary range is ₹29,200/- to ₹92,300/- per month.

⭐ How can I make the payment for the JSSC Primary Teacher Recruitment 2023 exam fee?

The exam fee for JSSC Primary Teacher Recruitment 2023 can be paid through Debit Card, Credit Card, or online banking. During the online application process, you will be provided with various payment options to choose from. Make sure to complete the payment transaction as per the instructions provided on the website



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