IOCL Apprentice Previous Year Paper | Indian Oil Exam Mock Test, Old Question Paper

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IOCL Apprentice Exam (Overview)

Information Details
Name IOCL Apprentice Exam 2023
Profession Exam Mode: Written Exam
Question 100 MCQ
Marks 100
Total Time 02 Hour
Wrong Ans 0 Mark
Exam Date 03-12-2023
Exam Mode Written Exam
Exam Level ITI / Diploma

✨IOCL Apprentice Previous Year Paper

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) Apprentice Previous Year Question Paper PDF Download for Trade Apprentices (Attendant Operator, Fitter, Secretarial Assistant, Accountant, and Boiler) and Diploma Apprentices (Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, and Instrumentation). IOCL Apprenticeship Previous Paper for Written (Provisional Selection). IOCL Apprentice Mock Test 2023 exam will be multiple-choice questions (MCQs) type. MCQs are composed of one question and have four possible options. Out of which only one option will be correct. For each correct answer, 01 mark will be awarded. For each incorrect/wrong answer, no mark will be reduced. Prelims IOCL Apprentice Old Question paper consists of 100 questions. The candidate has to solve this question in 120 Minutes. More than a minute will be provided to solve one question. IOCL Apprentice Previous Paper, Free Online Mock Test, and PDF Download Link for Data Entry Operator (DEO) 12th pass.






IOCL ITI  Draughtsman



IOCL ITI Mechanic (Diesel)

IOCL ITI Refigeration & AC

✎ अधिक प्रश्न आप नीचे दिए गए लिंक से पिछले वर्ष के प्रश्न पत्र का अभ्यास कर सकते हैं। (Practice More Questions From Below Link.)

IOCL Apprentice Previous Year Paper Pattern

IOCL Apprentice Question Paper of the previous year's examination was based on the following pattern.

IOCL Apprentice Previous Paper 
Event Details
Organization (संगठन) IOCL
Exam Mode (परीक्षा मोड) Written Exam
Exam Nature (परीक्षा स्वरूप) Provisional Selection (अनंतिम चयन)
Exam Level (परीक्षा स्तर) As per post (10th to UG)
Exam Type (परीक्षा का प्रकार) MCQ Type
Paper Medium (पेपर माध्यम) Hindi & English
Total Question (कुल प्रश्न) 100
Total Time (कुल समय) 120 Minutes
Total Marks (कुल अंक) 100
Correct Answer (सही उत्तर) 01 Marks
Negative Marking (नकारात्मक अंकन) No, (0 Marks)
Subjects Name (विषय नाम) न्यूमेरिकल, रीजनिंग, एप्टीट्यूड, GK, इंग्लिश, और ट्रेड/डोमेन संबंधित
Cut Off Marks (कट ऑफ मार्क्स) UR/OBC : 40% | SC/ST: 35%

IOCL प्रीवियस ईयर पेपर टेस्ट लिंक (IOCL Apprentice Previous Year Paper Test Link)

☛ IOCL (Apprentice) Current Affairs: August

☛ IOCL (Apprentice) Current Affairs: July

☛ IOCL (Apprentice) Current Affairs (Olympics)

☛ IOCL (Apprentice) GK Science (1)

☛ IOCL (Apprentice) GK Science (2)

☛ IOCL (Apprentice) GK Science (3)

☛ IOCL (Apprentice) GK Awareness (1)

☛ IOCL (Apprentice) GK Awareness (2)

☛ IOCL (Apprentice) GK Awareness (3)

☛ IOCL (Apprentice) General Awareness (4)

☛ IOCL (Apprentice) English (1)

☛ IOCL (Apprentice) English (2)

☛ IOCL (Apprentice) English (3)

☛ IOCL (Apprentice) English (4)

IOCL Apprentice Previous Year Question Paper General English

Here is the list of a few important IOCL Apprentice's previous year's question papers for questions are based on the level of 10th and 12th Passed. You can prepare for your IOCL Apprentice examination from the free old-year question paper mock test or free online test. In the IOCL written examination, there will be a total of 5-8 questions on the General English subject. 

IOCL Apprentice Previous Year Question Paper GK

GK (Samanya Gyan) Indian Oil IOCL Apprentice's previous year's question paper will have a total of 5-10 questions. These questions will be from the different topics of GK covering the up to Class 10th Level. Each question will be objective type. Have to solve within the given time frame. Here is the list of some sample questions from the different exams for the IOCL Exam, and others.

Indian Oil IOCL Apprentice Previous Paper Free Mock Test 

A candidate who has applied for the IOCL Recruitment Examination can practice their work with the questions based on the previous year. These questions are taken from the various exams that were organized by the PSU body as well as the IOCL Apprentice. Click on the links below to start practicing your exam now.

Advantages of IOCL Apprentice Previous Question Paper Exam

A candidate who has applied for the IOCL Recruitment Examination can practice their work with the questions based on the previous year. These questions are taken from the various exams that were organized by the central government body as well as the IOCL Apprentice. Click on the links below to start practicing your exam now.

Conclusion of IOCL Apprentice Previous Paper

Previous year IOCL Apprentice question papers mentioned or listed above are based on various examinations conducted at various centers in different states. These question papers are only for preparation, you can visit our official website (Sarkari Naukri to practice real-time questions on your device.

IOCL Apprentice Previous Paper FAQs

⭐How many subjects were there in the IOCL Apprentice previous year's paper?

IOCL Apprentice Previous Papers consist of various subjects like Numerical, Reasoning, Aptitude, GK, English, Trade/Domain, etc.

⭐How many questions were asked in the IOCL Apprentice Exam?

A total of 100 questions were asked in the exam question paper of IOCL Apprentice.

⭐What is Important about Old Question Paper for IOCL Apprentice?

By practicing old question papers of IOCL Apprentice, you can get a clear idea about exam pattern, and level of exam and make a proper strategy to conquer the exam.

⭐How do we improve exam scores from the Indian Oil Apprentice previous paper?

View other drafts Yes, you are right. Just practicing the old IOCL Learner quizzes will not be enough to get good grades in the IOCL Apprentice exam. You need to have a good command of Numerical, Reasoning, Aptitude, GK, English, and trade/domains related to the position you are applying for.

⭐How to Get Free Online Mock Tests for the IOCL Apprentice Exam?

Visit the given links on these pages, click on them, and start your free online mock IOCL Apprentice exam.



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