IBPS अधिसूचना for अधिकारी (Scale-I, II & III) तथा Office Assistant-10,200 Posts: 2018

IBPS Notification for Officers (Scale-I, II & III) and Office Assistant-10,200 Posts: 2018

 ने के पद के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र आमंत्रित किया है। इस भर्ती के लिए कुल 10200 रिक्तियां हैं। आप यहां महत्वपूर्ण विवरण जैसे कि अंतिम तिथि, ऑनलाइन फॉर्म के लिए महत्वपूर्ण तारीख देख सकते हैं। इस भर्ती के फॉर्म की शुरू होने की तारीख 06/Jun/2018, 12:00 AM है। इस फॉर्म को भरने की अंतिम तिथि है- 02/Jul/2018, 12:00 AM तो 02/Jul/2018, 12:00 AM से पहले अपना फॉर्म जरूर भरे। मासिक पेस्केल (वेतन) इस नौकरी के लिए Selected Candidate will get pay as per their designation. ₹ होगा। के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने के लिए सावधानीपूर्वक सभी निर्देश पढ़ें। यदि आप इस नौकरी में रुचि रखते हैं तो आप कृपया अहम् जानकारी जैसे योग्यता, फॉर्म शुल्क, वेतन आदि चेक करना मत भूले। यदि आपके पास इस नौकरी से संबंधित कोई प्रश्न है तो नीचे दिए गए कमेंट बॉक्स में पूछे! हमारी टीम आपकी पूरी मदद करेगी।

नौकरी करने का स्थान - Across India

You can get Detailed Description Step By Step below-

महत्वपूर्ण विवरण | रिक्ति | चयन प्रक्रिया

कुल रिक्ति 10200
वेतनमान Rs.selected candidate will get pay as per their designation.
आयु सीमा 18-40 Years
चयन प्रक्रिया Based on Preliminary/ Main/ Single Exam and interview.

महत्वपूर्ण तिथियाँ | अंतिम तिथि

आवेदन शुरू होने की तारीख 06/Jun/2018, 12:00 AM
आवेदन समाप्ति तिथि 02/Jul/2018, 12:00 AM
शुल्क भुगतान अंतिम तिथि 02/Jul/2018, 12:00 AM

आवेदन शुल्क

सामान्य Rs.600
अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग Rs.600
अनुसूचित जाति Rs.100
अनुसूचित जनजाति Rs.100
भुगतान का प्रकार Pay the exam fee through Debit/Credit card & online banking

योग्यता मापदंड

Name of the Posts and details:   1.Office Assistant (Multipurpose): 5249 Posts: Candidates should have Bachelor’s degree in any discipline. Proficiency in local language as prescribed by the participating RRBs.   2. Officer Scale-I (Assistant Manager): 3312 Posts Candidates should haveBachelor’s degree in any discipline. Preference will be given to the candidates having degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics or Accountancy. Proficiency in local language as prescribed by the participating RRBs.  

3. Officer Scale-II- General Banking Officer (Manager): 1208 Posts


Candidates should haveBachelor’s degree in any discipline. Preference will be given to the candidates having degree in Banking, Finance, Marketing, Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy with experience.


4. Officer Scale-II- Specialist Officers (Manager)


I. Information Technology Officer: 81 Posts Candidates should have Bachelor’s degree in Electronics/ Communication/ Computer Science/ Information Technology with experience.

II. Chartered Accountant: 21 Posts Candidates should have Certified Associate (CA) from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India with experience.

III. Law Officer: 32 Posts Candidates should have Degree in Law with experience.

IV. Treasury Manager: 17 Posts Candidates should have Chartered Accountant or MBA in Finance with experience.

V. Marketing Officer: 38 Posts Candidates should have MBA in Marketing with experience.

VI. Agricultural Officer: 72 Posts Candidates should have Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Dairy/ Animal Husbandry/ Forestry/ Veterinary Science/ Agricultural Engineering/ Pisciculture with experience.

5. Officer Scale-III (Senior Manager): 160 Posts

Candidates should have Bachelor’s degree in any discipline. Preference will be given to the candidates having Degree/ Diploma in Banking, Finance, Marketing, Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agricultural Engineering, Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and Co-operation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy with experience.

आयु सीमा

  Candidates Age be as below (As on 01.06.2018):
  • For Officer Scale- III (Senior Manager): 21 to 40 years.
  • For Officer Scale- II (Manager): 21 to 32 years.
  • For Officer Scale- I (Assistant Manager): 18 to 30 years.
  • For Office Assistant (Multipurpose): 18 to 28 years.

रिक्ति का विवरण

Post Name and details:  
  1. Office Assistant (Multipurpose): 5249 Posts
  2. Officer Scale-I (Assistant Manager): 3312 Posts
  3. Officer Scale-II- General Banking Officer (Manager): 1208 Posts
Officer Scale-II- Specialist Officers (Manager):
  1. Information Technology Officer: 81 Posts
  2. Chartered Accountant: 21 Posts
  3. Law Officer: 32 Posts
  4. Treasury Manager: 17 Posts
  5. Marketing Officer: 38 Posts
  6. Agricultural Officer: 72 Posts
  7. Officer Scale-III (Senior Manager): 160 Posts

How to Apply: 

Candidate those who are interested can apply through online mode by visiting official website and click on the Home Page to open the link “CRP for RRBs” and then click on the appropriate option “CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE FOR CRP- RRB Officers (Scale-I, II and III)” or “CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE FOR CRP- RRBs- OFFICE ASSISTANT (Multipurpose)” and open up the On-Line Application Form.

Candidates need to click on “CLICK HERE FOR NEW REGISTRATION” to register their application by entering their basic information in the online application form. After that a provisional registration number and password will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. Candidate should note down the Provisional registration number and password. An Email & SMS indicating the Provisional Registration number and Password will also be sent. They can reopen the saved data using Provisional registration number and password and if required edit the particulars.

Candidates need to upload all required scanned documents, photo and Signature.


त्वरित लिंक

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