Data Scientist Salary NYC 2024 - Entry Level Pay (Hourly, Monthly, Yearly)

The average salary of a data scientist in New York City is $126,628 per year. The salary range varies based on the years of experience. For entry-level data scientists with 0-3 years of experience, the hourly rate ranges from $40 to $60. For mid-level data scientists with 4-8 years of experience, the hourly rate ranges from $52 to $80. For senior data scientists with 9+ years of experience, the hourly rate ranges from $70 to $110. The top sectors for data scientists in New York City are Tech and Finance.

NYC Data Scientist Salary: Bigger Company, Bigger Bucks?

Here is an updated table with the estimated salary ranges for Data Scientists in NYC in 2024, broken down by company size:

Company Size Estimated Salary
Small (10-50 Employees) $120,000 - $140,000
Medium (51-200 Employees) $130,000 - $150,000
Large (201-500 Employees) $140,000 - $160,000
Enterprise (501+ Employees) $150,000 - $180,000+

Data Scientist Salary in NYC vs. Other Metros Areas

Location Yearly Salary
New York City, NY $137,365
San Francisco Bay Area, CA $175,856
Seattle, WA $138,374
Austin, TX $123,196
Washington D.C. $122,957
Boston, MA $128,154
Chicago, IL $120,229
Los Angeles, CA $118,701
Atlanta, GA $115,142
Miami, FL $114,257
Industry Hourly ($) Annual ($)
Tech $68-$100 $140,000-$208,000
Finance $58-$85 $120,000-$176,000
Healthcare $50-$75 $104,000-$150,000
Retail & Consumer Goods $45-$65 $94,000-$130,000
Consulting & Professional Services $52-$70 $108,000-$144,000
Media & Entertainment $40-$60 $83,000-$124,000
Manufacturing & Industrial $42-$58 $88,000-$116,000

Data Scientist Salary in NYC Top Companies Organisations

Organization Name Average Salary (USD)
Google $153,870
Meta (formerly Facebook) $168,105
IBM $158,542
Spotify $146,409
Uber $143,182
Goldman Sachs $154,231
JP Morgan Chase $148,905
Citigroup $142,782
Bloomberg $139,120
BlackRock $137,458
Pfizer $141,298
Johnson & Johnson $132,743
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center $128,510
Mount Sinai Hospital $124,307
NYU Langone Health $120,125

Data Scientist Salary New York City vs. The US (State-wise)

State Yearly Income
New York $137,365
California $146,100
Washington $138,374
Massachusetts $128,154
Texas $123,196
Virginia $122,957
Illinois $120,229
Maryland $119,147
Colorado $118,701
Georgia $115,142

Top Certifications to Hike Data Scientist Salary in NYC 2024

NYC Data Scientist Salary Boosters: Certification Edition

Certifications Focus
Google Professional Data Scientist Certificate General Data Science
Microsoft Azure Data Scientist Associate Cloud-based Data Science
AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty Cloud-based Machine Learning
Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) Data Analysis
Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Data Security
Certified Artificial Intelligence Engineer (CAIE) Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning Specialization by DeepLearning.AI Deep Learning
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Cloud Deployment and Management
Certified Software Engineering Associate (CSEA) Software Development
Certified Healthcare Informatics (CHI) Healthcare Data Science


Data Scientist Salary NYC 2024 FAQs

⭐What is the average salary of a data scientist in New York City?

The average salary is $126,628 per year.

⭐How does the salary range vary based on years of experience?

Entry-level (0-3 years): $40-$60/hr, Mid-level (4-8 years): $52-$80/hr, Senior (9+ years): $70-$110/hr.

⭐What are the top sectors for data scientists in New York City?

The top sectors are Tech and Finance.

⭐How does the salary range vary based on company size?

Small (10-50 employees): $120,000-$140,000, Medium (51-200 employees): $130,000-$150,000, Large (201-500 employees): $140,000-$160,000, Enterprise (501+ employees): $150,000-$180,000+.

⭐How does the salary of data scientists in New York City compare to other metropolitan areas?

NYC: $137,365, San Francisco: $175,856, Seattle: $138,374, Austin: $123,196, Washington D.C.: $122,957, Boston: $128,154, Chicago: $120,229, Los Angeles: $118,701, Atlanta: $115,142, Miami: $115,142.



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