Admission Details Air Force School, Hindan, Ghaziabad (UP)

Admission Details Air Force School, Hindan, Ghaziabad (UP)

Affiliated to - CBSE (Senior Secondary)(2130119)

Mohan Nagar, Hindan, Ghaziabad, (UP)-201004

Admission Details

Get Admission details, steps to apply, important links, documents required, Apply link and other details. Go through the below details and read instructions for admission process.

Admission -(Based on Previous Year)

Admission Details for Class LKG to IX.

{Air Force School Hindan, Ghaziabad}

Admission Procedure:-

Admission to Air Force School will be in the following priority:-

  1. Priority-I: Children of serving IAF Officers, Airmen, deceased (whilst on active service) and Ncs (E).

  2. Priority-II: (i) Children of serving Air Force school staff (whose spouse is not a serving as Air Force

 Officer, Airman or Ncs (E).
(ii) Those Children whose Parents are serving and posted to Air Force units.

(iii) Children of serving civilian staff of Air Force units paid out of Defense Services Estimates.

(iv) NPF employees Children.

(v) Serving civilian MES personnel Children.

 (c) Priority –III: Children of Air Force Officers, Airmen and Ncs (E) who retired from service.

(d) Priority –IV: Children of Air Force Officers, Airmen and Ncs

(e) Who have left service on Completion of period of Regular Engagement (RE) or Premature Separation from Service (PSS) before the age of retirement.

(f) Priority –V:  Children of serving and retired or those who have gone out on PSS/completion of RE) Air Force Officers, Airmen and Ncs (E).

(g) Priority –VI: Children of serving Army/Navy/Para Military Forces personnel, GREF and TA.

(h) Priority –VII: All other children, including children of foreign nationals/NRIs. 119.

Note: Children of Foreign Nationals/NRIs may be admitted only after seeking the prior

Written concurrence of the Executive Vice-Chairman, after due scrutiny and

Recommendation of the Secretary CSMC.)

Age Requirement:- (as on 01 April)

Class Years 
LKG:- 3 Years
UKG:- 4 Years
Class I:- 5 Years

Note:- After class one, for all other classes, the age limit will be increased in the same order. No age relaxation will be given.


Imp Link
Admission Procedure Click Here

Admission -(Based on Previous Year)

Admission Details for Class XI.

{Air Force School Hindan, Ghaziabad}

Admission Procedure:-

There are few priorities for Admission to Air force Schools are as below:

For Science Stream:-

  • Students desirous of getting admission in the PCM Group should get 75% marks or above in Science and Mathematics.

  • Students seeking admission in the PCB group should score 75% or more in Science and English for each subject.

For Commerce Stream:-

  • Students seeking admission with Mathematics in Commerce standard should get 75% or more in Mathematics and 70% or above in English.

  • Students wishing to enter the commerce standard without mathematics must mark 65% or more in mathematics and 70% or more in English.

Imp Link
Admission Procedure Click Here

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