CG Police Constable Salary 2024 - CAF Training, Pay Scale, Promotions & Per Month Payment

Chhattisgarh (CG) Police Constable Salary: The salary for Pay Level 04 in Pay Band PB-1 (5200-20200) comes with a Grade Pay of 1900. The Pay Scale is between ₹19,500 and ₹62,000. The Basic Salary is ₹19,500. There are some extra payments like Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, and Other Allowances. The starting CG Police Constable Salary is ₹26,011-₹27,766 per month.

Basic Pay
Transport Allowance
Dearness Allowance
Washing Allowance
House Rent Allowance
Medical Allowance
Aahar Allowance 
Uniform Allowance
Net Pay (Monthly)
☛ CG Police फ़्री PYQ टेस्ट पेपर 
Image 1

CG Police Salary (Constable)

CG Police Constable Salary 2023 Calculation 

To calculate the Total In-Hand Salary for a CG Police Constable Salary we'll use the provided formula and fill in the values:

  1. Basic Pay: ₹19,500/-

  2. Allowances:

    • Transport Allowance: ₹0/-
    • Dearness Allowance: ₹8,190/- (42% Of Basic)
    • Washing Allowance: ₹30/-
    • House Rent Allowance: ₹1,755/- (9% Of Basic, Only If Living Outside)
    • Medical Allowance: ₹200/-
    • Aahar Allowance: ₹100/-
    • Uniform Allowance: ₹60/-
  3. Deductions:

    • GPF/DPF (Provident Fund): -₹2,769/-
    • GIS (Group Insurance Scheme): -₹300/-

Now, let's calculate the total earnings and deductions:

Total Earnings (Positive Allowances): ₹19,500 + ₹8,190 + ₹30 + ₹1,755 + ₹200 + ₹100 + ₹60 = ₹30,835

Total Deductions (Negative Allowances): -₹2,769 (GPF/DPF) -₹300 (GIS)

Finally, calculate the Net Salary by subtracting the total deductions from the total earnings:

Net Salary = ₹30,835 - ₹2,769 - ₹300 = ₹27,766

So, the total salary for a CG Police Constable in 2023 is ₹27,766/-. This is the amount they would receive after accounting for all allowances and deductions.

CAF CG Police Constable Salary: During & After Training

Chhattisgarh Police Training offers a six-month training program at various District Police Headquarters/Centers. Trainees receive a basic monthly training salary of ₹19,500 with additional allowances.

बेसिक प्रशिक्षण अवधि 06 महीने
बेसिक ट्रेनिगं स्थान विभिन्न जिला पुलिस मुख्यालय/Centers
ट्रेनिंग मूल वेतन ₹19,500/- प्रति महीने
ट्रेनिंग भत्ता Yes
✦ नीचे पूर्ण विवरण देखें (⬇)
Pay Level (वेतन स्तर) 04
Pay Band (वेतन बैंड) PB-1(5200-20200)
Grade Pay (ग्रेड पे) 1900
Pay Scale (वेतनमान) 19500 – 62000/
Basic Salary (मूल वेतन) ₹19500 /-
Maximum Salary (अधिकतम वेतन) ₹62000/-
Dearness Allowance (DA) (महंगाई भत्ता) ₹8190/- (42% Of Basic Pay)
House Rent Allowance (HRA) (मकान किराया भत्ता) ₹1755/- (9% Of Basic Pay)
Other Allowance (OA) (अन्य भत्ता) ₹500 –  1000/-
प्रारंभिक वेतन (कोई HRA नहीं) ₹ 26011  प्रति महीने
प्रारंभिक वेतन (HRA शामिल) ₹27,766/- प्रति महीने
अधिकतम इन-हैंड वेतन (वर्तमान में) ₹87400/-(Approx Per Month)

CG Police Constable Salary CAF Post Wise

In 2023, all CG (Chhattisgarh) Police Constable positions, along with roles like Driver, Cook, Electrician, Barber, DR, Tent Attendant, Washerman, Sweeper, Cobbler, Electrician (Reservist), and Tailor (Reservist), receive a fixed Basic Salary of ₹19,500/- per month. After accounting for allowances, the net salary for all these positions stands at ₹27,766/- per month.

Constable (GD) ₹19,500/- ₹27,766/-
Constable (Driver) ₹19,500/- ₹27,766/-
Constable (Trade-Cook) ₹19,500/- ₹27,766/-
Constable (Trade-Electrician) ₹19,500/- ₹27,766/-
Constable (Trade-Barber) ₹19,500/- ₹27,766/-
Constable (Trade-DR) ₹19,500/- ₹27,766/-
Constable (Tent Attendant) ₹19,500/- ₹27,766/-
Constable (Trade-Washerman) ₹19,500/- ₹27,766/-
Constable (Trade-Sweeper) ₹19,500/- ₹27,766/-
Constable (Trade-Cobbler) ₹19,500/- ₹27,766/-
Reservist (Trade-Electrician) ₹19,500/- ₹27,766/-
Reservist (Trade-Tailor) ₹19,500/- ₹27,766/-

CG Police Constable Salary & CAF Promotions

In Chhattisgarh (CG), police officer salaries vary by rank. Constables start at ₹19,500 per month, rising to ₹62,000, with promotion eligibility after one year of training. Head Constables earn between ₹22,400 and ₹71,200 monthly, typically promoting after 8-10 years. Sub Inspectors make ₹35,400 to ₹1,12,400 per month and usually get promoted after 15-20 years. Inspectors receive ₹47,600 to ₹1,15,110 monthly, with promotion eligibility after 25 years. Higher-ranking officers like Circle Officers (CO)/Deputy Superintendents of Police (DSP), Additional Superintendents of Police (ASP), and Superintendents of Police (SP) earn up to ₹78,800 to ₹2,09,200 monthly, with promotions based on performance and departmental policies.

Constable After 01 Year of Training
Head Constable After 08-10 year
Sub Inspector After 15-20 year
Inspector After 25 year
Post Basic Pay
Constable  ₹19500– 62000/-
Head Constable ₹22400–71200/-
Sub Inspector ₹35,400/– 1,12,400/-
Inspector  ₹47,600/– 1,15,110/-
Circle Officer CO / DSP ₹56,100/– 1,77,500/-
ASP ₹67,700/– 2,08,700/-
SP ₹78,800/– 2,09,200/-
☛ पुलिस नया सिलेबस देखें 2023

Factors affecting CG Police constable's promotion

  • Seniority
  • Performance
  • Educational qualifications
  • Training and certifications
  • Physical fitness
  • Disciplinary record
  • Availability of higher-ranking positions
  • Interviews/assessments
  • Departmental policies
  • Recommendations from superiors

CG Police Constable Salary, Allowances, and Perks

✅ In the Chhattisgarh (CG) Police, personnel receive various allowances, including Dearness Allowance (DA) at 42% of Basic Pay, House Rent Allowance (HRA) ranging from 9% to 27% of Basic, Travel Allowance (TA) as per claim, Washing Allowance (WA) of ₹30 per day, Daily Extra Duty Pay ranging from ₹240 to ₹390, Food Allowance of ₹100, and additional allowances between ₹500 and ₹800. Special Duty Allowance (SDA) is provided as needed, and personnel are covered by the New Pension Scheme (NPS) with insurance coverage. The specific amounts may vary by rank and circumstances.

₹8190/- (42% Of Basic Pay)
1,755/- (9%-27% Of Basic)
As Per Claim
WA  30/-
Daily Extra duty  ₹240-390/-
CCA  ₹0/-
KMA  ₹0/-
Food Allowance  100/-
Other Allowances  ₹500-800/-
Special Duty Allowance (SDA) 
As per requirement
Medical Allowance ₹200/-
Uniform Allowance  60/-
Festival Bonus  ₹2000 – 4000/-
NPS Yes, (New Pension)
Insurance Cover  Yes,

#All promotional activities are done as per the govt guidelines. Above mentioned promotion period may vary as the circumstances.

#Image Source: Instagram, Official Notification, Youtube, & Sarkari Naukri Exams (Originals)

CG Police Constable Salary FAQs

⭐How is a CG Police Constable's salary calculated?

A CG Police Constable's salary is calculated by adding their basic pay and various allowances, then subtracting any deductions.

⭐What's the basic pay for a CG Police Constable CAF?

The basic pay for a CG Police Constable is ₹19,500 per month.

⭐What allowances are added to a CG Police Constable's salary?

Allowances suchas Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Washing Allowance, Medical Allowance, Aahar Allowance, Uniform Allowance, and others are added to their salary.

⭐What deductions are made from a CG Police Constable's salary?

Deductions typically include Provident Fund (GPF/DPF) and Group Insurance Scheme (GIS).

⭐What's the formula for calculating a CG Police Constable's Net Salary?

Net Salary is calculated by subtracting total deductions from total earnings, which includes basic pay and allowances.

⭐What's the total earnings, including allowances, for a CG Police Constable?

The total earnings, including allowances, depend on various factors but can be calculated by adding up the basic pay and all allowances.

⭐How is House Rent Allowance (HRA) determined for CG Police Constables?

HRA is determined based on a percentage of the basic pay, but it's provided only if the constable lives outside the police quarters.

⭐Is there a difference in salary during and after CG Police Constable training?

Yes, there is a basic training salary during the training period, which is ₹19,500 per month. After training, allowances and promotions can increase the salary.

⭐What factors influence promotions for CG Police Constables?

Promotions depend on factors like seniority, performance, training, clean disciplinary record, and availability of higher-ranking positions.

⭐How does the salary structure vary for higher-ranking CG Police officers?

Higher-ranking officers receive higher salaries, and these salaries increase with seniority and rank. They also receive similar allowances but at higher amounts.



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