Average Salary in NYC, New York City by Age 2024

The average salary in New York City is $70,630 a year, or $33.96 an hour. Men in NYC earn an average of $71,540, while women earn $69,720. The average monthly salary in the city is $5,433. NYC salaries are 10.3% higher than the national average. Starting salaries in New York City are $41,220 a year, while entry-level positions pay an average of $54,910. For experienced professionals, the average salary jumps to $134,740.

For more details on average salaries in NYC by age group (20s, 30s, 40s to 60s), please see the information below.

Average Salary in NYC by Age 30, 40 to 60+ Year Old

The mean salary in New York City is composed of 89% base salary and up to 11% additional compensation. The top-paying sectors in NYC are management, legal, computer, mathematics, and healthcare.

Here the breakdown of Average Salary in NYC by Age:

Age Range Salary (Per Year)
22-25 $40,290
26-29 $52,650
30-34 $64,910
35-39 $79,970
40-44 $85,220
45-49 $98,850
50-55 $110,190
56-60 $120,190
60+ $125,190

Top Paying Jobs Average Salary in New York City (NYC)

New York City's average salary might not seem like much compared to how expensive it is to live there. But the good news is, some jobs can make you millions in just a few years! If you're driven, ambitious, and ready to hustle, these high-paying careers could be your golden ticket to financial freedom. Here are some examples, along with how much they can pay:

NYC Jobs Monthly Pay
Pediatric Surgeons $34,650
Dermatologists $29,673
Cardiologists $29,071
Chief Executives $27,030
Anesthesiologists $25,779
Radiologists $25,747
Physicians $25,618

Comparing NYC Average Salary to Top US Cities

New York City boasts the 7th highest average salary in the US at $70,630 annually, according to Sarkari Naukri Exams. However, San Jose, California, reigns supreme with a staggering average of $126,075 per year. Other top earners include San Francisco, Olympia, Seattle, Austin, and Denver.

Average Salary in Top Paying State US

Some states in the US boast tempting salaries, like California, Washington, and New York. But remember, a hefty paycheck doesn't automatically translate to a better life. These places might have higher salaries, but groceries, housing, and other expenses might be pricier too.

Skills to Boost Average Salary in NYC

Strong communication, teamwork, and adaptability, combined with relevant certifications and a well-chosen field of study, can significantly increase your earning potential.

Average salary in New York City FAQs

⭐What is the average salary in New York City?

$70,630 per year, or $33.96 per hour

⭐How much do men earn in NYC compared to women?

Men earn an average of $71,540, while women earn $69,720

⭐What is the average monthly salary in NYC?


⭐How do NYC salaries compare to the national average?

NYC salaries are 10.3% higher than the national average

⭐What are the top-paying jobs in NYC?

Pediatric Surgeons, Dermatologists, Cardiologists, Chief Executives, Anesthesiologists, Radiologists, Physicians

⭐What is the highest average salary in the US?

San Jose, California, with a staggering average of $126,075 per year



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