Assam Rifles SI Salary 2025: Sub Inspector Monthly Pay & In-Hand Amount

The Assam Rifles Sub Inspector (SI) salary for 2025 is under Pay Level 06 with a pay band of ₹9,300–₹34,800 and a Grade Pay of ₹4,200. The basic pay is ₹35,400, the pay scale being ₹35,400 to ₹1,12,400. In addition, Sub Inspectors are paid allowances, such as Dearness Allowance of ₹18,762 (53% of their basic pay) and House Rent Allowance of ₹10,620 (30% of their basic pay). The deductions include Provident Fund (PF) ₹5,026 and the National Pension Scheme of ₹4,248. The total gross salary is ₹59,826, and after a deduction of ₹9,274, it comes out to be an in-hand salary of approximately ₹54,020 per month. This package will give one a solid and competitive salary to join Assam Rifles.

Assam Rifles SI Per Month Salary 2025


Assam Rifles SI Salary ⬇
Assam Rifles SI AMOUNT
Pay Level  06
Pay Band  PB-1(9300-34800)
Grade Pay  4200
Pay Scale  Rs. 35,400/ – 1,12,400/
Basic Salary  Rs.35,400/-
Maximum Salary  Rs.1,12,400/-
Dearness Allowance (DA)  Rs.18762/- (53% Of Basic Pay)
House Rent Allowance (HRA)  Rs.10620/-  (30% Of Basic Pay)
PF Rs.5026
NPS Rs.4248
Total Gross Salary Rs.59826
Total Deduction Rs.9274
In Hand Amount Rs.54020/- (Approx Per Month)

Assam Rifles SI Salary Allowances

Here is a summary of the salary details for Assam Rifles Sub Inspectors (SI)s, including their daily, monthly, and annual income. Please note that these figures represent the in-hand salary of the constables and do not include any allowances or deductions.

DA  ✅ Yes (46% Of Basic Pay)
HRA  ✅ Yes (8%-27% Of Basic)
TA ✅ Yes Rs.1000 –  1500/-
TA on Retirement ✅ Yes
Medical Allowance/CGHS facilities. ✅ Yes
Air travel facilities ✅ Yes
Special Duty Allowance (SDA) ✅ Yes
Food Allowance  ✅ Yes
Extra time work ✅ Yes
Special compensatory ✅ Yes
Retired pension ✅ Yes
Uniform Allowance  ✅ Yes
Diwali Bonus  ✅ Yes
Family pension ✅ Yes
Insurance Cover  ✅ Yes

Assam Rifles SI (Sub Inspector) Salary Deductions Details

The central government deducts a portion of the salaries of our front-line government employees to ensure their bright futures. These deductions are Rs 100 per month for insurance coverage, 10% of basic for NPS, and 12% of basic for PF.

NPS ✅ Yes, Rs.5026/- (10% Of Basic Pay and DA)
PF ✅ Yes, Rs.4248/- (12% Of Basic Pay)
Income Tax ✅ Yes, Applicable 

Assam Rifles SI (Sub Inspector) Salary After 7th Pay Commission

As per the 7th Pay Commission, the Assam Rifles SI (Sub Inspector) is placed in Pay Grade 6 with a graded salary of 4200. The pay scale is set at 5200–2200

Assam Rifles SI Salary 2025 FAQs

⭐What is the basic salary of an Assam Rifles Sub Inspector?

The basic salary of an Assam Rifles SI is ₹35,400 per month.

⭐What is the total in-hand salary of an Assam Rifles SI?

The in-hand salary is approximately ₹54,020 after deductions.

⭐What is the maximum salary of an Assam Rifles Sub Inspector?

The maximum salary is ₹1,12,400 based on the pay scale.



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