Assam Teacher Salary 2024 TET, LP, PGT, Graduate, Post Graduate, High School and Primary

The salary scale for teachers in Assam varies from LP or Pre-Primary Schools (PB-2, 14000-49000) to Principal and Post Graduate teachers (PB-4, 30000-110000). This article provides comprehensive details of the Assam Teacher Salary. The salary of Assam Teacher for TET, LP School, Higher Secondary, High Shool Graduate and Primary School to Principal Jobs vary as per locations. It also fully covers the salary of Assam Teacher Head Master, Graduate Teacher, Under Graduate Teacher, and Craft Teacher in LP (Lower Primary), which ranges from a revised grade pay of 6200 to 8700. The Assam School Service (Junior), Sub-Inspector of Schools, Higher Secondary Graduate Teacher, and Assistant Head Master of High School have a newly revised grade pay of 8700 to 9110

In Assam’s education sector, the pay structure varies by role. Junior Head Masters in Lower Schools earn a grade pay of ₹6200-₹8700. In the Assam School Service (Junior), key roles like Head Master and Principal earn a grade pay of ₹9700-₹14500. The actual salary of teachers varies, with Undergraduate Teachers earning ₹31606 and Principals earning up to ₹174980 in their final service year.

For more complete information on the salaries of TET teachers, LP school teachers, PGT teachers, assistant teachers in high schools, and higher secondary teachers in Assam, please refer to the details provided below..

Graduate Teacher Salary in Assam (LP School / Pre Primary)

The Graduate Teachers salary in Assam LP, Junior Basic, or Pre-Primary Schools have a base pay of ₹14,000-₹49,000, plus ₹8,700 grade pay. With allowances and after deductions, they take home ₹34,546-₹81,556 monthly, or ₹4.1-₹9.7 lakh yearly.  The gross salary of Graduate teacher in Assam LP School is ₹4.5 lakh to ₹10.2 lakh per year.

Pay Band PB-2
Pay Scale 14000-49000
Grade Pay 8700
Total Pay  22700-57700
DA Range 10442-26542
HRA Range 1020-1530
Other Allowances 1200-2200
Deduction Amount  1816-4616
Monthly In Hand Salary ₹34546/- to ₹81556/-
Yearly In Hand Salary  ₹4.1 Lakh to ₹9.7 Lakh
Yearly Gross Salary ₹4.5 Lakh to ₹10.2 Lakh 

Craft Matric and Under Graduate Teacher Salary in Assam (LP School / Pre Primary)

In Assam, Craft Matric and Under Graduate Teachers at LP School, Pre Primary, ME/MV/Senior Basic Schools, and Assistant Sub-Inspectors of Schools earn a total pay of ₹20,200 to ₹55,200.  The pay band (PB-2) ranges from ₹14,000 to ₹49,000 with a grade pay of ₹6,200.  They also receive allowances and have certain deductions. After deductions, the monthly LP School Teacher salary in Assam is between ₹31,606 and ₹76,674. 

Annually, this amounts to an in-hand salary of ₹3.7 lakh to ₹9.1 lakh, and a gross salary of ₹4.1 lakh to ₹9.5 lakh. Check out more details from table:

Pay Band PB-2
Pay Scale ₹14000-₹49000
Grade Pay ₹6200
Total Pay  ₹20200-₹55200
DA Range ₹9292-₹25392
HRA Range ₹930-₹1390
Other Allowances ₹800-₹1500
Deduction Amount  ₹1616-₹4416
Monthly In Hand Salary 31606/- to 76674/-
Yearly In Hand Salary  ₹3.7 Lakh to ₹9.1 Lakh
Yearly Gross Salary ₹4.1 Lakh to ₹9.5 Lakh 

LP School Teacher Salary in Assam (Pre Primary ME/MV Head Master)

The Lower Primary (LP) and ME/MV Senior Basic School Head Master in Assam has a Pay Scale of ₹14,000 to ₹49,000 and a Grade Pay of ₹8,700.. The Total Pay for Assam School Head Master is ₹22,700 to ₹57,700. The Monthly In-Hand Salary of is between ₹34,546 and ₹81,556. The Yearly In-Hand Salary ranges from ₹4.1 Lakh to ₹9.7 Lakh, while the Yearly Gross Salary is between ₹4.5 Lakh and ₹10.2 Lakh.

Check out the complete details from the table:

Pay Band PB-2
Pay Scale ₹14000-₹49000
Grade Pay ₹8700
Total Pay Range ₹22700-₹57700
DA Range ₹10442-₹26542
HRA Range ₹1020-₹1530
Other Allowances Range ₹1200-₹2200
Deduction Amount Range ₹1816-₹4616
Monthly In Hand Salary 34546/- to 81556/-
Yearly In Hand Salary  ₹4.1 Lakh to ₹9.7 Lakh
Yearly Gross Salary ₹4.5 Lakh to ₹10.2 Lakh 

Assam Graduate Teacher Salary Higher Secondary and High School

The salary pay scale for a Graduate Teacher in Assam ranges from ₹14,000 to ₹49,000. This results in a total salary range of ₹22,700 to ₹57,700 for a Graduate Teacher in Assam. Consequently, the monthly in-hand Assam Graduate Teacher salary ranges from ₹34,546 to ₹81,556. On an annual basis, the in-hand salary for a Graduate Teacher in Assam can vary from ₹4.1 Lakh to ₹9.7 Lakh, while the yearly gross salary lies between ₹4.5 Lakh and ₹10.5 Lakh..

Check out the complete details of Graduate Teacher pay scale in Assam and salary structure detail in this table:

Pay Band PB-2
Pay Scale ₹14000-₹49000
Grade Pay ₹8700
Total Pay  ₹22700-₹57700
DA Range ₹10442-₹26542
HRA Range ₹1020-₹1530
Other Allowances ₹1200-₹2200
Deduction Amount  ₹1816-₹4616
Monthly In Hand Salary 34546/- to 81556/-
Yearly In Hand Salary  ₹4.1 Lakh to ₹9.7 Lakh
Yearly Gross Salary ₹4.5 Lakh to ₹10.5 Lakh

Assam Sub Inspector of School Salary and High School Assistant Head Master

The Sub Inspector of School and High School Assistant Head Master in Assam have a pay scale of ₹22,000-₹87,000, with additional grade pay of ₹9,100. The total pay is ₹31,000-₹96,100. They receive allowances and benefits. After deductions, the monthly in-hand salary of Assam Sub Inspector of School is ₹43,770-₹1,07,318. Annually, the Assam School SI in-hand salary is ₹5.2 lakh-₹12.8 lakh, and the gross salary is ₹5.3 lakh-₹14.8 lakh.

 SI / Head Master  SALARY
Pay Band PB-3
Pay Scale ₹22000-₹87000
Grade Pay ₹9100
Total Pay  ₹31000-₹96100
DA Range ₹14260-₹44206
HRA Range ₹1480-₹2220
Other Allowances ₹1500-₹2500
Deduction Amount  ₹2480-₹7688
Monthly In Hand Salary 43770/- to 107318/-
Yearly In Hand Salary  ₹5.2 Lakh to ₹12.8 Lakh
Yearly Gross Salary ₹5.3 Lakh to ₹14.8 Lakh

Deputy Inspector of School Salary Assam (High School)

The Deputy Inspector of School in Assam earns a monthly salary of ₹49,730-₹1,10,710. The annual in-hand salary ranges from ₹5.9 lakh to ₹13.2 lakh. The gross yearly salary is between ₹6.3 lakh and ₹15.1 lakh..

 Deputy Inspector of School Salary
Pay Band PB-3
Pay Scale ₹22000-₹87000
Grade Pay ₹11500
Total Pay  ₹33500-₹98500
DA Range ₹15410-₹45290
HRA Range ₹1580-₹2360
Other Allowances ₹2000-₹3500
Deduction Amount  ₹2780-₹7980
Monthly In Hand Salary 49730/- to 110710/-
Yearly In Hand Salary  ₹5.9 Lakh to ₹13.2 Lakh
Yearly Gross Salary ₹6.3 Lakh to ₹15.1 Lakh

Block Elementary Education Officer Salary Asaam and BEEO Grade Pay 

The Block Elementary Education Officer (BEEO) in Assam earns a monthly salary of ₹46,246-₹1,08,246. The annual in-hand salary of Assam BEEO ranges from ₹5.5 lakh to ₹12.9 lakh. The gross yearly salary is between ₹5.9 lakh and ₹13.9 lakh.

Pay Band PB-3
Pay Scale ₹22000-₹87000
Grade Pay ₹9700
Total Pay  ₹31700-₹96700
DA Range ₹14582-₹44482
HRA Range ₹1500-₹2250
Other Allowances ₹2000-₹3500
Deduction Amount  ₹2536-₹7736
Monthly In Hand Salary 46246/- to 108246/-
Yearly In Hand Salary  ₹5.5 Lakh to ₹12.9 Lakh
Yearly Gross Salary ₹5.9 Lakh to ₹13.9 Lakh

Vice Principal and Post Graduate Teacher Salary in Assam

The Vice Principals and post graduate teacher salary in assam ranges from ₹46,246 to ₹108,246 per month. This includes a pay scale of ₹22,000-₹87,000, a grade pay of ₹9,700, and allowances. The yearly in-hand school VP and post master salary in assam ranges from ₹5.5 lakh to ₹12.9 lakh, while the gross yearly salary is between ₹5.9 lakh and ₹13.9 lakh.

 Vice Principal / PG Teacher Salary
Pay Band PB-3
Pay Scale ₹22000-₹87000
Grade Pay ₹9700
Total Pay  ₹31700-₹96700
DA Range ₹14582-₹44482
HRA Range ₹1500-₹2250
Other Allowances ₹2000-₹3500
Deduction Amount  ₹2536-₹7736
Monthly In Hand Salary 46246/- to 108246/-
Yearly In Hand Salary  ₹5.5 Lakh to ₹12.9 Lakh
Yearly Gross Salary ₹5.9 Lakh to ₹13.9 Lakh

Principal Salary in Assam Higher Secondary School

The Higher Secondary Principal Salary in Assam ranges from ₹59,538 to ₹167,678 per month. This includes a pay scale of ₹30,000-₹110,000, a grade pay of ₹13,300, and allowances. The yearly in-hand salary of Principal in Assam ranges from ₹7.1 lakh to ₹20.1 lakh. The gross yearly salary of Assam School Principal is between ₹5.9 lakh and ₹25.4 lakh.

 School Principal Salary
Pay Band PB-4
Pay Scale ₹30000-₹110000
Grade Pay ₹13300
Total Pay  ₹43300-₹123300
DA Range ₹19918-₹56678
HRA Range ₹2150-₹3230
Other Allowances ₹1500-₹3800
Deduction Amount  ₹4330-₹12330
Monthly In Hand Salary 59538/- to 167678/-
Yearly In Hand Salary  ₹7.1 Lakh to ₹20.1 Lakh
Yearly Gross Salary ₹5.9 Lakh to ₹25.4 Lakh

College Principal and Post Graduate Teacher Salary in Assam Per Month

In Assam, the monthly salary for College Principals and Post Graduate Teachers ranges from ₹59,538 to ₹167,678. This includes a pay scale of ₹30,000-₹110,000, a grade pay of ₹13,300, and allowances. The yearly in-hand salary ranges from ₹7.1 lakh to ₹20.1 lakh, while the gross yearly salary is between ₹5.9 lakh and ₹25.4 lakh.

 College Principal /PGSalary
Pay Band PB-4
Pay Scale ₹30000-₹110000
Grade Pay ₹14500
Total Pay  ₹44500-₹125500
DA Range ₹20470-₹57730
HRA Range ₹2200-₹3300
Other Allowances ₹2800-₹4000
Deduction Amount  ₹4450-₹12550
Monthly In Hand Salary 61520/- to 174980/-
Yearly In Hand Salary  ₹7.3 Lakh to ₹20.9 Lakh
Yearly Gross Salary ₹8.2 Lakh to ₹28.6 Lakh

Assam Teacher Salary 7th Pay (Official Norms)

Assam Teacher Salary FAQ

⭐What is the salary of a TET teacher in Assam?

The salary of a TET teacher in Assam varies as per location. The pay scale ranges from ₹14,000 to ₹49,000 with a grade pay of ₹8,700.

⭐What is the salary of an LP school teacher in Assam?

The salary of an LP school teacher in Assam has total per monthy pay is ₹22,700 to ₹57,700.

⭐What is the salary of a PGT teacher in Assam?

The salary of a PGT teacher in Assam ranges from ₹46,246 to ₹108,246 per month. 

⭐What is the salary of a high school teacher in Assam?

The salary of a high school teacher in Assam has pay scale ranges from ₹14,000 to ₹49,000 with a grade pay of ₹8,700.

⭐What is the salary of a post graduate teacher in Assam?

The salary of a post graduate teacher has a pay scale of ₹22,000-₹87,000, a grade pay of ₹9,700, and allowances. The yearly in-hand Assam post graduate teacher salary ranges from ₹5.5 lakh to ₹12.9 lakh.

⭐What is the salary of an ME school teacher in Assam?

The salary of an ME school teacher in Assam varies as per allowances, dedcution and posting. The starting monthly in-hand salary of ME School teacher is approx ₹34,546. 

⭐What is the salary of a graduate teacher in Assam?

The Graduate Teacher salary in Assam ranges from ₹4.5 lakh to ₹10.2 lakh per year.



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Saidul Alom Laskar- Kia hum High school me contractual teacher ban sakte hain
Me BSC pass hu

Sarkari Naukri Exams- Hi Saidul Alom Laskar,

हां, आप बीएससी डिग्री के साथ हाई स्कूल में संविदा शिक्षक बन सकते हैं। भारत में, संविदात्मक शिक्षण पदों को आमतौर पर ऐसे व्यक्तियों द्वारा भरा जाता है, जिनके पास शिक्षा में स्नातक की डिग्री (बी.एड) या अन्य आवश्यक योग्यताओं और प्रमाणपत्रों के साथ संबंधित विषय होता है। हालांकि, कुछ राज्य बीएससी डिग्री वाले उम्मीदवारों पर भी विचार कर सकते हैं, खासकर यदि उन्होंने शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम पूरा कर लिया है या शिक्षण में प्रासंगिक अनुभव रखते हैं।

यह ध्यान रखना महत्वपूर्ण है कि संविदात्मक शिक्षण पदों के लिए योग्यता मानदंड राज्य और स्कूल के आधार पर भिन्न हो सकते हैं, इसलिए यह एक अच्छा विचार है कि राज्य और स्कूल के लिए विशिष्ट आवश्यकताओं की जांच करें जहां आप आवेदन करने में रुचि रखते हैं।

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